Hyerin Kim
Hyerin Kim
在 agr.hokudai.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Understanding services from ecosystem and facilities provided by urban green spaces: A use of partial profile choice experiment
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, T Aikoh, K Kuriyama
Forest policy and economics 111, 102086, 2020
Understanding preferences for pricing policies in Japan’s national parks using the best–worst scaling method
Y Shoji, H Kim, T Kubo, T Tsuge, T Aikoh, K Kuriyama
Journal for Nature Conservation 60, 125954, 2021
Changes in visits to green spaces due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Focusing on the proportion of repeat visitors and the distances between green spaces and visitors’ places of …
H Kim, Y Shoji, K Mameno, T Kubo, T Aikoh
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 80, 127828, 2023
Understanding recreation demands and visitor characteristics of urban green spaces: A use of the zero-inflated negative binomial model
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, T Aikoh, K Kuriyama
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 65, 127332, 2021
Relational values help explain green infrastructure preferences: The case of managing crane habitat in Hokkaido, Japan
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, T Kubo, F Nakamura
People and Nature 3 (4), 861-871, 2021
Impact of user fees for visitors to national parks in the presence of alternative sites
Y Shoji, H Kim, T Tsuge, K Kuriyama
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 4 (2), 100104, 2023
Understanding users' preferences for paid alternative transportation in Shiretoko national park
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Aikoh
The Japanese Forest Society Congress 134th Annual JFS Meeting, 91, 2023
Visitor's preferences for park shuttle services at Shiretoko National Park
S Yahiro, T Aikoh, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, H Kim, R Itoh, H Matsushima
The Japanese Forest Society Congress 133rd Annual JFS Meeting, 83, 2022
Changes in urban green space use due to the COVID-19 pandemic: Application of big data
H Kim, Y Shoji, K Mameno, T Kubo, T Aikoh
The Japanese Forest Society Congress 133rd Annual JFS Meeting, 81, 2022
Understanding recreation demand of urban green spaces: A use of individual travel cost method
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, T Aikoh, K Kuriyama
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 第 131 回日本森林学会大会, 51, 2020
Exploring the site-choice behavior of urban parks and green spaces: A Web-based survey
H Kim, Y Shoji, T Tsuge, T Aikoh, K Kuriyama
日本森林学会大会発表データベース 第 129 回日本森林学会大会, 226, 2018
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