Yvonne Y W Tsang
Yvonne Y W Tsang
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratrory
在 lbl.gov 的电子邮件经过验证
Channel model of flow through fractured media
YW Tsang, CF Tsang
Water Resources Research 23 (3), 467-479, 1987
Hydromechanical behavior of a deformable rock fracture subject to normal stress
J. of Geophysical Research . 86 (B10), 9287-9298, 1981
The effect of tortuosity on fluid flow through a single fracture
YW Tsang
Water Resources Research 20 (9), 1209-1215, 1984
Flow and tracer transport in a single fracture: A stochastic model and its relation to some field observations
L Moreno, YW Tsang, CF Tsang, FV Hale, I Neretnieks
Water Resources Research 24 (12), 2033-2048, 1988
On two‐phase relative permeability and capillary pressure of rough‐walled rock fractures
K Pruess, YW Tsang
Water resources research 26 (9), 1915-1926, 1990
Flow channeling in a single fracture as a two‐dimensional strongly heterogeneous permeable medium
YW Tsang, CF Tsang
Water Resources Research 25 (9), 2076-2080, 1989
Usage of “equivalent apertures” for rock fractures as derived from hydraulic and tracer tests
YW Tsang
Water Resources Research 28 (5), 1451-1455, 1992
Flow and tracer transport in fractured media: A variable aperture channel model and its properties
YW Tsang, CF Tsang, I Neretnieks, L Moreno
Water Resources Research 24 (12), 2049-2060, 1988
Electronic band structure and optical properties of PbTe, PbSe, and PbS
SE Kohn, PY Yu, Y Petroff, YR Shen, Y Tsang, ML Cohen
Physical Review B 8 (4), 1477, 1973
The dependence of fracture mechanical and fluid flow properties on fracture roughness and sample size
T dependence of fracture mechanical and fluid flow properties on fracture ...
J. of Geophysical Research 88 (B3), 1983
The dependence of fracture mechanical and fluid flow properties on fracture roughness and sample size
YWTPA Witherspoon
J. of Geophysical Research, 1983
Hydrologic issues associated with nuclear waste repositories
CF Tsang, I Neretnieks, Y Tsang
Water Resources Research 51 (9), 6923-6972, 2015
Tracer transport in a stochastic continuum model of fractured media
YW Tsang, CF Tsang, FV Hale, B Dverstorp
Water Resources Research 32 (10), 3077-3092, 1996
A variable aperture fracture network model for flow and transport in fractured rocks
AW Nordqvist, YW Tsang, CF Tsang, B Dverstorp, J Andersson
Water Resources Research 28 (6), 1703-1713, 1992
On thermohydrologic conditions near high‐level nuclear wastes emplaced in partially saturated fractured tuff: 2. Effective continuum approximation
K Pruess, JSY Wang, YW Tsang
Water Resources Research 26 (6), 1249-1261, 1990
On thermohydrologic conditions near high‐level nuclear wastes emplaced in partially saturated fractured tuff: 1. Simulation studies with explicit consideration of fracture effects
K Pruess, JSY Wang, YW Tsang
Water Resources Research 26 (6), 1235-1248, 1990
Coupled thermal–hydrological–mechanical analyses of the Yucca Mountain Drift Scale Test—Comparison of field measurements to predictions of four different numerical models
J Rutqvist, D Barr, R Datta, A Gens, A Millard, S Olivella, CF Tsang, ...
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 42 (5-6), 680-697, 2005
Calculation of the temperature dependence of the energy gaps in PbTe and SnTe
YW Tsang, ML Cohen
Physical Review B 3 (4), 1254, 1971
Some anomalous features of flow and solute transport arising from fracture aperture variability
L Moreno, CF Tsang, Y Tsang, I Neretnieks
Water Resources Research 26 (10), 2377-2391, 1990
A study of thermally induced convection near a high‐level nuclear waste repository in partially saturated fractured tuff
YW Tsang, K Pruess
Water Resources Research 23 (10), 1958-1966, 1987
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