Karen Stocks
Karen Stocks
Director, Geological Data Center, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
在 ucsd.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The ecology of seamounts: structure, function, and human impacts
MR Clark, AA Rowden, T Schlacher, A Williams, M Consalvey, KI Stocks, ...
Annual Review of Marine Science 2, 253-278, 2010
Community cyberinfrastructure for advanced microbial ecology research and analysis: the CAMERA resource
S Sun, J Chen, W Li, I Altintas, A Lin, S Peltier, K Stocks, EE Allen, ...
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl_1), D546-D551, 2010
Predicting global habitat suitability for stony corals on seamounts
DP Tittensor, AR Baco, PE Brewin, MR Clark, M Consalvey, ...
Journal of Biogeography 36 (6), 1111-1128, 2009
Global observing needs in the deep ocean
LA Levin, BJ Bett, AR Gates, P Heimbach, BM Howe, F Janssen, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 241, 2019
Science priorities for seamounts: research links to conservation and management
MR Clark, TA Schlacher, AA Rowden, KI Stocks, M Consalvey
PloS one 7 (1), e29232, 2012
Ocean Biogeographic Information System
JF Grassle, DO Secretariat, MJ Costello, KI Stocks, PY Zhang, ...
Oceanography 13 (3), 5-7, 2000
Biogeography and biodiversity of seamounts
KI Stocks, PJB Hart
Seamounts: ecology, fisheries, and conservation. Blackwell Fisheries and …, 2007
Seamount invertebrates: Composition and vulnerability to fishing.
K Stocks
Fish. Cent. Res. Rep. 12 (5), 17-24, 2004
The role of colonization in establishing patterns of community composition and diversity in shallow-water sedimentary communities
PVR Snelgrove, JF Grassle, JP Grassle, RF Petrecca, KI Stocks
Journal of Marine Research 59 (5), 813-830, 2001
A global ocean biogeographic information system (OBIS) for the census of marine life
JF Grassle, KI Stocks
Oceanography 12 (3), 12-14, 1999
SeamountsOnline: an online information system for seamount biology. Version 2009-1
K Stocks
World Wide Web electronic publication. http://seamounts. sdsc. edu, 2009
Life on seamounts
M Consalvey, MR Clark, AA Rowden, KI Stocks
Life in the World’s Oceans: Diversity, Distribution, and Abundance, edited …, 2010
Environmental predictors and turnover of biota along a seamount chain
TD O’Hara, M Consalvey, HP Lavrado, KI Stocks
Marine Ecology 31, 84-94, 2010
About the Ocean Biogeographic Information System
MJ Costello, K Stocks, Y Zhang, JF Grassle, DG Fautin
Available at ht tp://hdl. handle. net/2292 236, 2007
Effects of microalgae and food limitation on the recolonization of benthic macrofauna into in situ saltmarsh-pond mesocosms
KI Stocks, JF Grassle
Marine Ecology Progress Series 221, 93-105, 2001
Flume experiments on post-settlement movement in polychaetes
KI Stocks
Journal of marine research 60 (5), 743-762, 2002
A history of seamount research
PE Brewin, KI Stocks, G Menezes
Seamounts: Ecology, Fisheries, and Conservation, 41-61, 2007
SeamountsOnline: an online information system for seamount biology
KI Stocks
Proceedings of ‘The Colour of Ocean Data’symposium. IOC Workshop Report 188 …, 2004
CenSeam, an international program on seamounts within the census of marine life: achievements and lessons learned
KI Stocks, MR Clark, AA Rowden, M Consalvey, TA Schlacher
PLoS One 7 (2), e32031, 2012
CenSeam, an international program on seamounts within the Census of Marine Life: Achievements and lessons learned
KI Stocks, MR Clark, AA Rowden, M Consalvey, TA Schlacher
PloS one 7 (2), e32031, 2012
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