Alternative tree species under climate warming in managed European forests EA Thurm, L Hernandez, A Baltensweiler, S Ayan, E Rasztovits, K Bielak, ... Forest Ecology and Management 430, 485-497, 2018 | 179 | 2018 |
Evaluation of seed production of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) clonal seed orchard with cone analysis method A Sivacioglu, S Ayan African Journal of Biotechnology 7 (24), 2008 | 64 | 2008 |
Growth characters and number of strobili in clonal seed orchards of Pinus sylvestris N Bilir, F Prescher, S Ayan, D Lindgren Euphytica 152, 1-9, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
Growth Variation of Paulownia Sieb.& Zucc. Species and Origins at the Nursery Stage in Kastamonu-TURKEY S AYAN, A SIVACIOĞLU, N BİLİR Journal of Environmental Biology 27 (3), 499-504, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
Genetic diversity among populations in Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris L.) seed stands of Western Black Sea Region in Turkey H Şevik, S Ayan, I Turna, Z Yahyaoğlu Genetic diversity among populations in Scotch pine (Pinus silvestris L …, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
Evaluation of two years old seedlings of the Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe.) raised in Kastamonu-Taskopru Forest Nursery as to TSI … B AVANOĞLU, S AYAN, N DEMİRCİOĞLU, A SIVACIOĞLU Sigma, 2, 2005 | 42* | 2005 |
Identification and expression profiling of all Hsp family member genes under salinity stress in different poplar clones EN Yer, MC Baloglu, S Ayan Gene 678, 324-336, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
Drought-Responsive Hsp70 Gene Analysis in Populus at Genome-Wide Level EN Yer, MC Baloglu, UT Ziplar, S Ayan, T Unver Plant molecular biology reporter 34, 483-500, 2016 | 40 | 2016 |
Utilization of zeolite as a substrate for containerized oriental spruce (Picea orientalis L.(Link.)) seedlings propagation S Ayan, Z Yahyaoglu, V Gercek, A Şahin International Symposium on Growing Media 779, 583-590, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
Experiences on establishment of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) plantation in ash dump sites of Reftinskaya HPES, Russia S Zalesov, S Ayan, E Zalesova, A Opletaev Alinteri journal of agriculture science 35 (1), 7-14, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Containerised Seedling Propagation, 7th Section (Editors: YAHYAOĞLU, Z. and M. GENÇ, Seedling Standardization: Quality Seedling Propagation and Principals of Seedling … S Ayan Nu 75, 301-352, 2007 | 35* | 2007 |
Safran (Crocus sativus L.)’un yetiştirme tekniği H Vurdu, Z Şaltu, S Ayan Gazi Üniversitesi, Kastamonu Orman Fakültesi Dergisi 2 (2), 175-187, 2002 | 35* | 2002 |
KASTAMONU-TAŞKÖPRÜ ORMAN FİDANLIĞINDA ÜRETİLEN 2+ 0 YAŞLI SARIÇAM (Pinus sylvestris L.) FİDANLARININ TSE NORMLARINA GÖRE DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ N Demircioğlu, S Ayan, B Avanoğlu, A Sıvacıoğlu Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2), 2011 | 33* | 2011 |
Tüplü Doğu ladini (Picea orientalis (L.) Link.) fidanı yetiştirme ortamları özellikleri ve üretim tekniğinin belirlenmesi S Ayan Orm. Bak. Doğu Karadeniz Orm. Arş. Enst. Yayınları, Orm. Bak. Yayın, 18-19, 2002 | 31* | 2002 |
Karadeniz bölgesi milli parklarının korunan alan ağı sertifikalandırma sistemine uygunlukları S Ayan, S Öztürk, N Yiğit Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 9 (1), 66-79, 2009 | 30 | 2009 |
Effect of climate change on potential distribution of Cedrus libani A. Rich in the twenty-first century: an Ecological Niche Modeling assessment J López-Tirado, F Vessella, J Stephan, S Ayan, B Schirone, PJ Hidalgo New Forests 52, 363-376, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Review of the fast growing forest tree species in Turkey S Ayan, A Sývacýoðlu Boletin Informativo CIDEU, 57-71, 2006 | 29 | 2006 |
Using of zeolite mineral for seedling production and afforestration practices S Ayan Gazi Univ J For Fac 2 (1), 78-88, 2002 | 29* | 2002 |
The effects of exposure, elevation and tree age on seed characteristics of Fagus orientalis Lipsky M Ertekin, E Kırdar, S Ayan South-east European forestry 6 (1), 15-23, 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Kent ormancılığı ve kent ormanlarının çevresel etkileri N Öner, S Ayan, A Sıvacıoğlu, B İmal Kastamonu University Journal of Forestry Faculty 7 (2), 190-203, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |