Chris G. Willcocks
Chris G. Willcocks
Associate Professor, Durham University
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Deep generative modelling: A comparative review of vaes, gans, normalizing flows, energy-based and autoregressive models
S Bond-Taylor, A Leach, Y Long, CG Willcocks
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 44 (11), 7327 …, 2021
Using deep convolutional neural network architectures for object classification and detection within x-ray baggage security imagery
S Akcay, ME Kundegorski, CG Willcocks, TP Breckon
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 13 (9), 2203-2215, 2018
Anoddpm: Anomaly detection with denoising diffusion probabilistic models using simplex noise
J Wyatt, A Leach, SM Schmon, CG Willcocks
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2022
Unit-ddpm: Unpaired image translation with denoising diffusion probabilistic models
H Sasaki, CG Willcocks, TP Breckon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05358, 2021
Unmanned aerial vehicle visual detection and tracking using deep neural networks: A performance benchmark
BKS Isaac-Medina, M Poyser, D Organisciak, CG Willcocks, TP Breckon, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Unleashing transformers: Parallel token prediction with discrete absorbing diffusion for fast high-resolution image generation from vector-quantized codes
S Bond-Taylor, P Hessey, H Sasaki, TP Breckon, CG Willcocks
European Conference on Computer Vision, 170-188, 2022
Mednerf: Medical neural radiance fields for reconstructing 3d-aware ct-projections from a single x-ray
A Corona-Figueroa, J Frawley, S Bond-Taylor, S Bethapudi, HPH Shum, ...
2022 44th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in …, 2022
Denoising diffusion probabilistic models on so (3) for rotational alignment
A Leach, SM Schmon, MT Degiacomi, CG Willcocks
Deep learning protein conformational space with convolutions and latent interpolations
VK Ramaswamy, SC Musson, CG Willcocks, MT Degiacomi
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011052, 2021
Unsupervised region-based anomaly detection in brain MRI with adversarial image inpainting
B Nguyen, A Feldman, S Bethapudi, A Jennings, CG Willcocks
2021 IEEE 18th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 1127-1131, 2021
Multi-Scale Segmentation and Surface Fitting for Measuring 3-D Macular Holes
AV Nasrulloh, CG Willcocks, PTG Jackson, C Geenen, MS Habib, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 37 (2), 580-589, 2018
Dynamic unary convolution in transformers
H Duan, Y Long, S Wang, H Zhang, CG Willcocks, L Shao
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (11 …, 2023
Multi-view object detection using epipolar constraints within cluttered x-ray security imagery
BKS Isaac-Medina, CG Willcocks, TP Breckon
2020 25th International conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 9889-9896, 2021
Feature-Varying Skeletonization
CG Willcocks, FWB Li
The Visual Computer 28 (6-8), 775-785, 2012
Exact-nerf: An exploration of a precise volumetric parameterization for neural radiance fields
BKS Isaac-Medina, CG Willcocks, TP Breckon
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
-Diff: Infinite Resolution Diffusion with Subsampled Mollified States
S Bond-Taylor, CG Willcocks
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024
Gradient origin networks
S Bond-Taylor, CG Willcocks
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.02798, 2020
Extracting 3D Parametric Curves from 2D images of Helical Objects
CG Willcocks, PTG Jackson, CJ Nelson, B Obara
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 39 (9), 1757-1769, 2017
The relationship between curvilinear structure enhancement and ridge detection methods
HF Alhasson, CG Willcocks, SS Alharbi, A Kasim, B Obara
The Visual Computer 37, 2263-2283, 2021
Interactive GPU active contours for segmenting inhomogeneous objects
CG Willcocks, PTG Jackson, CJ Nelson, AV Nasrulloh, B Obara
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 16, 2305-2318, 2019
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