Adrian P Brown
Adrian P Brown
Software Architect @ Centre for Data Linkage, Curtin University
在 curtin.edu.au 的电子邮件经过验证
Accuracy and completeness of patient pathways–the benefits of national data linkage in Australia
JH Boyd, SM Randall, AM Ferrante, JK Bauer, K McInneny, AP Brown, ...
BMC health services research 15, 1-8, 2015
Technical challenges of providing record linkage services for research
JH Boyd, SM Randall, AM Ferrante, JK Bauer, AP Brown, JB Semmens
BMC medical informatics and decision making 14, 1-9, 2014
Evaluating privacy-preserving record linkage using cryptographic long-term keys and multibit trees on large medical datasets
AP Brown, C Borgs, SM Randall, R Schnell
BMC medical informatics and decision making 17, 1-7, 2017
Ensuring privacy when integrating patient-based datasets: new methods and developments in record linkage
AP Brown, AM Ferrante, SM Randall, JH Boyd, JB Semmens
Frontiers in public health 5, 34, 2017
Limited privacy protection and poor sensitivity: Is it time to move on from the statistical linkage key-581?
SM Randall, AM Ferrante, JH Boyd, AP Brown, JB Semmens
Health Information Management Journal 45 (2), 71-79, 2016
Privacy preserving record linkage using homomorphic encryption
SM Randall, AP Brown, AM Ferrante, JH Boyd, JB Semmens
Population Informatics for Big Data, Sydney, Australia 10, 2015
Privacy preserving linkage using multiple match-keys
SM Randall, AP Brown, AM Ferrante, JH Boyd
International Journal of Population Data Science 4 (1), 2019
Estimating parameters for probabilistic linkage of privacy-preserved datasets
AP Brown, SM Randall, AM Ferrante, JB Semmens, JH Boyd
BMC medical research methodology 17, 1-10, 2017
Understanding the origins of record linkage errors and how they affect research outcomes
JH Boyd, AM Ferrante, K Irvine, M Smith, E Moore, A Brown, SM Randall
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health 41 (2), 215-215, 2017
Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage: An international collaboration between Canada, Australia and Wales: IJPDS (2017) Issue 1, Vol 1: 082, Proceedings of the IPDLN Conference …
C Pow, K Iron, J Boyd, A Brown, S Thompson, N Chong, C Ma
International Journal of Population Data Science 1 (1), 2017
Sociodemographic differences in linkage error: an examination of four large-scale datasets
S Randall, A Brown, J Boyd, R Schnell, C Borgs, A Ferrante
BMC health services research 18, 1-9, 2018
Evaluation of approximate comparison methods on Bloom filters for probabilistic linkage
AP Brown, SM Randall, JH Boyd, AM Ferrante
International Journal of Population Data Science 4 (1), 2019
Grouping methods for ongoing record linkage
SM Randall, JH Boyd, AM Ferrante, AP Brown, JB Semmens
Population Informatics for Big Data. Sydney: Australian National University, 2015
Implementing privacy-preserving record linkage: welcome to the real world: IJPDS (2017) Issue 1, Vol 1: 134, Proceedings of the IPDLN Conference (August 2016)
J Boyd, A Ferrante, A Brown, S Randall, J Semmens
International Journal of Population Data Science 1 (1), 2017
How do you measure up? Methods to assess linkage quality: IJPDS (2017) Issue 1, Vol 1: 133, Proceedings of the IPDLN Conference (August 2016)
A Ferrante, J Boyd, S Randall, A Brown, J Semmens
International Journal of Population Data Science 1 (1), 2017
Assessing the impact of different grouping methods: time to rethink and regroup?
S Randall, A Ferrante, A Brown, J Boyd, J Semmens
International Journal of Population Data Science 1 (1), 2017
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