Bruce Spencer
Bruce Spencer
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Ontology for autonomous robotics
JI Olszewska, M Barreto, J Bermejo-Alonso, J Carbonera, A Chibani, ...
2017 26th IEEE international symposium on robot and human interactive …, 2017
Understanding the temporal evolution of COVID-19 research through machine learning and natural language processing
A Ebadi, P Xi, S Tremblay, B Spencer, R Pall, A Wong
Scientometrics 126, 725-739, 2021
A Suite of Ontologies for Robotics and Automation [Industrial Activities]
SRFJBAPGEP de Freitas Alberto Olivares Alarcos Joanna Isabelle Olszewska ...
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 24 (1), pp. 8-11, 2017
Semi-supervised self-training for sentence subjectivity classification
B Wang, B Spencer, CX Ling, H Zhang
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 21st Conference of the Canadian Society …, 2008
Requirements for building an ontology for autonomous robots
B Bayat, J Bermejo-Alonso, J Carbonera, T Facchinetti, S Fiorini, ...
Industrial Robot: An International Journal 43 (5), 469-480, 2016
The OO jDREW reference implementation of ruleML
M Ball, H Boley, D Hirtle, J Mei, B Spencer
Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web: First International …, 2005
A bayesian classifier for learning opponents’ preferences in multi-object automated negotiation
S Buffett, B Spencer
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 6 (3), 274-284, 2007
Inferring data transformation rules to integrate semantic web services
B Spencer, S Liu
International Semantic Web Conference, 456-470, 2004
Consistently accurate forecasts of temperature within buildings from sensor data using ridge and lasso regression
F Al-Obeidat, B Spencer, O Alfandi
Future Generation Computer Systems 110, 382-392, 2020
Learning opponents' preferences in multi-object automated negotiation
S Buffett, B Spencer
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce, 300-305, 2005
A refinement of lasso regression applied to temperature forecasting
B Spencer, O Alfandi, F Al-Obeidat
Procedia computer science 130, 728-735, 2018
Exploiting temporal and novel information from the user in plan recognition
R Cohen, F Song, B Spencer, P Van Beek
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 1, 125-148, 1991
Negotiating Exchanges of P3p‐Labeled Information for Compensation
S Buffett, K Jia, S Liu, B Spencer, F Wang
Computational Intelligence 20 (4), 663-677, 2004
The Opinion Management Framework: Identifying and addressing customer concerns extracted from online product reviews
F Al-Obeidat, Spencer, B Spencer, E Kafezaa
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 27, 52-64, 2018
FOL RuleML: The first-order logic web language
H Boley, M Dean, B Grosof, M Sintek, B Spencer, S Tabet, G Wagner
Document located on-line at http://www. ruleml. org/fol, 2004
Providing responses specific to a user's goals and background
R Cohen, M Jones, A Sanmugasunderam, B Spencer, L Dent
International Journal of Expert Systems 2 (2), 135-162, 1989
Determining Internet Users' Values for Private Information.
S Buffett, N Scott, B Spencer, M Richter, MW Fleming
PST, 79-88, 2004
Clause trees: a tool for understanding and implementing resolution in automated reasoning
JD Horton, B Spencer
Artificial Intelligence 92 (1-2), 25-89, 1997
Temperature forecasts with stable accuracy in a smart home
B Spencer, F Al-Obeidat
Procedia Computer Science 83, 726-733, 2016
WSReasoner: A Prototype Hybrid Reasoner for ALCHOI Ontology Classification using a Weakening and Strengthening Approach.
W Song, B Spencer, W Du
ORE, 2012
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