Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan
Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan
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Sustaining enterprise operations and productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic:“Enterprise Effectiveness and Sustainability Model”
B Obrenovic, J Du, D Godinic, D Tsoy, MAS Khan, I Jakhongirov
Sustainability 12 (15), 5981, 2020
Work-family conflict impact on psychological safety and psychological well-being: A job performance model
B Obrenovic, D Jianguo, A Khudaykulov, MAS Khan
Frontiers in psychology 11, 475, 2020
A mediated model on the adoption of social media and SMEs’ performance in developing countries
SA Qalati, LW Yuan, MAS Khan, F Anwar
Technology in Society 64, 101513, 2021
Entrepreneurial passion to entrepreneurial behavior: role of entrepreneurial alertness, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and proactive personality
C Li, M Murad, F Shahzad, MAS Khan, SF Ashraf, CSK Dogbe
Frontiers in psychology 11, 1611, 2020
The impact of transformational leadership on employee retention: mediation and moderation through organizational citizenship behavior and communication
H Tian, S Iqbal, S Akhtar, SA Qalati, F Anwar, MAS Khan
Frontiers in psychology 11, 314, 2020
Green innovation practices and its impacts on environmental and organizational performance
H Wang, MAS Khan, F Anwar, F Shahzad, D Adu, M Murad
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 553625, 2021
A study in the relationship between supportive work environment and employee retention: Role of organizational commitment and person–organization fit as mediators
S Naz, C Li, QA Nisar, MAS Khan, N Ahmad, F Anwar
Sage Open 10 (2), 2158244020924694, 2020
Interrelations between ethical leadership, green psychological climate, and organizational environmental citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model
MAS Khan, D Jianguo, M Ali, S Saleem, M Usman
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1977, 2019
Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on social media adoption and SME performance: The moderating role of innovation capabilities
M Fan, SA Qalati, MAS Khan, SMM Shah, M Ramzan, RS Khan
PloS one 16 (4), e0247320, 2021
The enjoyment of knowledge sharing: impact of altruism on tacit knowledge-sharing behavior
B Obrenovic, D Jianguo, D Tsoy, S Obrenovic, MAS Khan, F Anwar
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1496, 2020
Untangling the influence of organizational compatibility on green supply chain management efforts to boost organizational performance through information technology capabilities
F Shahzad, J Du, I Khan, M Shahbaz, M Murad, MAS Khan
Journal of cleaner production 266, 122029, 2020
An empirical investigation on the relationship between a high-performance work system and employee performance: measuring a mediation model through partial least squares …
C Li, S Naz, MAS Khan, B Kusi, M Murad
Psychology research and behavior management, 397-416, 2019
An empirical study of turnover intentions in call centre industry of Pakistan
MAS Khan, J Du
Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies 2 (04), 206, 2014
Intellectual capital, profitability, and productivity: evidence from Pakistani financial institutions
H Yao, M Haris, G Tariq, HM Javaid, MAS Khan
Sustainability 11 (14), 3842, 2019
Impact of supervisory behavior on sustainable employee performance: Mediation of conflict management strategies using PLS-SEM
J Min, S Iqbal, MAS Khan, S Akhtar, F Anwar, SA Qalati
PloS one 15 (9), e0236650, 2020
The relationship between laissez‐faire leadership and burnout: Mediation through work alienation and the moderating role of political skill
M Usman, M Ali, Z Yousaf, F Anwar, M Waqas, MAS Khan
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2020
Effects of subjective norms and environmental mechanism on green purchase behavior: An extended model of theory of planned behavior
Y Xu, J Du, MAS Khan, S Jin, M Altaf, F Anwar, I Sharif
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 779629, 2022
Dark tetrad personality traits and counterproductive work behavior among doctors in Pakistan
C Li, M Murad, F Shahzad, MAS Khan, SF Ashraf
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 35 (5), 1173-1192, 2020
Rejuvenating the concept of work alienation through job demands-resources model and examining its relationship with emotional exhaustion and explorative and exploitative learning
MAS Khan, D Jianguo, A Mann, S Saleem, KB Boamah, U Javed, ...
Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 931-941, 2019
Linking green innovation performance and green innovative human resource practices in SMEs; a moderation and mediation analysis using PLS-SEM
S Iqbal, S Akhtar, F Anwar, AJ Kayani, JM Sohu, AS Khan
Current Psychology, 1-18, 2021
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