Torkel Richert
Torkel Richert
Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, Malmö University
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Alkohol-och narkotikaproblem (andra upplagan)
B Johnson, T Richert, B Svensson
Studentlitteratur, 2023
Mental health problems among young people in substance abuse treatment in Sweden
T Richert, M Anderberg, M Dahlberg
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 15, 1-10, 2020
Diversion of methadone and buprenorphine by patients in opioid substitution treatment in Sweden: prevalence estimates and risk factors
B Johnson, T Richert
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (2), 183-190, 2015
Long-term self-treatment with methadone or buprenorphine as a response to barriers to opioid substitution treatment: the case of Sweden
T Richert, B Johnson
Harm Reduction Journal 12, 1-14, 2015
Wasted, overdosed, or beyond saving–to act or not to act? Heroin users’ views, assessments, and responses to witnessed overdoses in Malmö, Sweden
T Richert
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (1), 92-99, 2015
Being a parent to an adult child with drug problems: Negative impacts on life situation, health, and emotions
T Richert, B Johnson, B Svensson
Journal of Family Issues 39 (8), 2311-2335, 2018
Illicit use of methadone and buprenorphine among adolescents and young adults in Sweden
T Richert, B Johnson
Harm Reduction Journal 10, 1-10, 2013
Diversion of methadone and buprenorphine from opioid substitution treatment: patients who regularly sell or share their medication
B Johnson, T Richert
Journal of Addictive Diseases 34 (1), 1-17, 2015
Diversion of methadone and buprenorphine from opioid substitution treatment: the importance of patients’ attitudes and norms
B Johnson, T Richert
Journal of substance abuse treatment 54, 50-55, 2015
Non-prescribed use of methadone and buprenorphine prior to opioid substitution treatment: lifetime prevalence, motives, and drug sources among people with opioid dependence in …
B Johnson, T Richert
Harm Reduction Journal 16, 1-15, 2019
Say no and close the door? Codependency troubles among parents of adult children with drug problems in Sweden
J Nordgren, T Richert, B Svensson, B Johnson
Journal of Family Issues 41 (5), 567-588, 2020
Diversion of methadone and buprenorphine from opioid substitution treatment: a staff perspective
B Johnson, T Richert
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 46 (5), 427-435, 2014
Parents of adult children with drug addiction dealing with shame and courtesy stigma
O Liahaugen Flensburg, T Richert, M Väfors Fritz
Drugs: education, prevention and policy 30 (6), 563-572, 2023
Med livet som insats – injektionsmissbruk, risktagande och överdoser
T Richert, B Svensson
Nordisk alkohol-& narkotikatidskrift 25 (5), 355-76, 2008
Överdoser, försörjningsstrategier och riskhantering: livsvillkor för personer som injicerar narkotika
T Richert
Hälsa och samhälle, Malmö högskola,, 2014
Parents’ experiences of abuse by their adult children with drug problems
B Svensson, T Richert, B Johnson
Nordic studies on alcohol and drugs 37 (1), 69-85, 2020
Parents as victims of property crime committed by their adult children with drug problems: Results from a self-report study
B Johnson, T Richert, B Svensson
International review of victimology 24 (3), 329-346, 2018
Police officers’ attitudes and practices toward harm reduction services in Sweden–a qualitative study
J Nordgren, T Richert, A Stallwitz
International journal of drug policy 104, 103672, 2022
Mot en mer kunskapsbaserad öppenvård för unga med missbruk: slutrapport för ett trestadsprojekt kring kunskapsutveckling, erfarenhetsutbyte och systematisk dokumentation
T Richert
Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, 2011
Hiv-och hepatitprevention på institution: utvärdering av ett peer-baserat utbildningsprojekt med syfte att öka kunskapen om blodsmittor hos klienter och personel på SiS …
T Richert
Malmö högskola, Hälsa och samhälle, 2012
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