Christopher Lowenstein
Christopher Lowenstein
Center for Population Health Sciences, Stanford University
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Can labor market policies reduce deaths of despair?
WH Dow, A Godøy, C Lowenstein, M Reich
Journal of health economics 74, 102372, 2020
Animal husbandry practices and perceptions of zoonotic infectious disease risks among livestock keepers in a rural parish of Quito, Ecuador
C Lowenstein, WF Waters, A Roess, JH Leibler, JP Graham
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 95 (6), 1450, 2016
Depression in low-income mothers of young children: Are they getting the treatment they need
M McDaniel, C Lowenstein
Washington, DC: The Urban Institute, 2013
Supporting youth transitioning out of foster care, issue brief 3: Employment programs
S Edelstein, C Lowenstein
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Urban …, 2016
Supporting Youth Transitioning out of Foster Care. Issue Brief 2: Financial Literacy and Asset Building Programs. OPRE Report No. 2014-69.
S Edelstein, C Lowenstein
Urban Institute, 2014
Determinants of childhood zoonotic enteric infections in a semirural community of Quito, Ecuador
C Lowenstein, K Vasco, S Sarzosa, L Salinas, A Torres, MJ Perry, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 102 (6), 1269, 2020
Preparing for a" Next Generation" Evaluation of Independent Living Programs for Youth in Foster Care: Project Overview. OPRE Report No. 2014-71.
M McDaniel, ME Courtney, MR Pergamit, C Lowenstein
Urban Institute, 2014
Incentive programmes for smoking cessation: cluster randomized trial in workplaces in Thailand
JS White, C Lowenstein, N Srivirojana, A Jampaklay, WH Dow
bmj 371, 2020
Structural barriers to racial equity in Pittsburgh: expanding economic opportunity for African American men and boys
M Simms, M McDaniel, SD Fyffe, C Lowenstein
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Urban …, 2016
How Head Start grantees set and use school readiness goals
J Isaacs, H Sandstrom, M Rohacek, C Lowenstein, O Healy, M Gearing
Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2015
Structural barriers to racial equity in Pittsburgh
MC Simms, M McDaniel, SD Fyffe, C Lowenstein
Urban Institute, 2015
Peer effects in smoking cessation: An instrumental variables analysis of a worksite intervention in Thailand
C Lowenstein, WH Dow, JS White
SSM-Population Health 12, 100659, 2020
Preparing for a “next generation” Evaluation of independent living programs for youth in foster care
M McDaniel, ME Courtney, MR Pergamit, C Lowenstein
Chicago IL. Retrieved from https://www. urban. org/research/publication …, 2014
Assessing the merits of photo EBT cards in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
GB Mills, C Lowenstein
Urban Institute, 2015
The health of the states summary report: How US states compare in health status and the factors that shape health
SH Woolf, L Aron, DA Chapman, L Dubay, E Zimmerman, LC Snellings, ...
Center on Society and Health, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2016
Supporting youth transitioning out of foster care
S Edelstein, C Lowenstein
Issue Brief OPRE Report, 2014
Linking Depressed Mothers to Effective Services and Supports: A Policy and Systems Agenda to Enhance Children's Development and Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect: Summary of the …
C Lowenstein
The Urban Institute, 2013
The health of the States: spotlight on chronic diseases, Part A: overweight and obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions
SH Woolf, L Aron, DA Chapman, L Dubay, E Zimmerman, LC Snellings, ...
Center on Society and Health, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2017
Health of the States: How US States Compare in Health Status and the Factors that Shape Health
SH Woolf, LY Aron, D Chapman, L Dubay, E Zimmerman, LC Snellings, ...
Urban Institute, 2016
Center on Society and Health
E Zimmerman, L Hall, AD Haley, N Holla, K Ayers, C Lowenstein, ...
Health Equity in Richmond, Virginia. Retrieved from http://socie tyhea lth …, 2016
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