Thomas Junique
Microstructural evolution of granitic stones exposed to different thermal regimes analysed by infrared thermography.
T Junique, P Vázquez, Y Géraud, C Thomachot-Schneider, H Sidibé
Engineering Geology 286, 106057, 2021
Experimental investigation of the effect of quenching cycles on the physico-chemical properties of granites
T Junique, P Vazquez, D Benavente, C Thomachot-Schneider, Y Géraud
Geothermics 97, 102235, 2021
The use of infrared thermography on the measurement of microstructural changes of reservoir rocks induced by temperature
T Junique, P Vazquez, C Thomachot-Schneider, I Hassoun, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (2), 559, 2021
Coupled capillary water uptake and Infrared Thermography to assess crack evolution.
T Junique, P Vázquez, C Thomachot-Schneider, MJ Baptiste, I Hassoun, ...
JpGU-AGU Meeting 2020, 2020
Investigation of the geological and hydrogeological structure of chalk cliffs with visible, thermal infrared and electrical resistivity imaging
T Junique, R Antoine, V Guilbert, B Beaucamp, C Ledun, S Costa, ...
Journal of Hydrology 630, 130642, 2024
Understanding Hydrogeological Dynamics: Integrating Multiple Approaches at a Chalk Cliff Site in Normandy, France
T Junique, R Antoine, C Fauchard, V Guilbert, B Beaucamp, C Ledun, ...
Réunion des sciences de la Terre, Rennes, 2023
Investigation of the Hydrogeology at a Chalk Cliff Site in Normandy Using Multiple Research Approaches
T Junique, C Fauchard, R Antoine, V Guilbert, B Beaucamp, C Ledun, ...
NSG2023 2nd Conference on Hydrogeophysics 2023 (1), 1-5, 2023
Contribution of thermal infrared images on the understanding of the subsurface hydrology.
T Lopez, R Antoine, D Baratoux, T Junique, C Fauchard, M Rabinowicz
International Workshop on High-Resolution Thermal EO, 2023
Characteristics of saltwater wedge under the chalk cliffs of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer (Normandy, France) using optical and geophysical methods.
T Junique, R Antoine, S Costa, B Beaucamp, V Guilbert, C Ledun, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-9396, 2023
DEFHY3GEO French Regional project Detection and Study of Fracturing by HYdrological, GEOmorphodynamic, geological and geophysical approach.
T Junique, G Sadaka, C Fauchard, R Antoine, O Maquaire, A Tonnoir
Polder2C's Closing Conference, Antwerp, Belgium., 2023
Comportement des roches sous sollicitations thermiques et circulation de fluides (FLUTE)
T Junique
Comportement de la craie sous la circulation de fluides à températures contrastées.
T Junique, P Vázquez, C Thomachot-Schneider, Y Géraud
Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, 2018
Comportement des roches sous sollicitations thermiques et circulations de fluides
T Junique, P Vázquez, C Thomachot-Schneider, Y Géraud
1ère journée doctorale transfrontalière, 2018
Natural Fractures Network Development Due to Fluid Production in Anisotropic and Impermeable Granular Materials: Application to Organic-Rich Shales
A Zanella, S Larmier, J Thomas, M Régis
2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition:, 0
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