Elinor Martin
The multidecadal Atlantic SST—Sahel rainfall teleconnection in CMIP5 simulations
ER Martin, C Thorncroft, BBB Booth
Journal of Climate 27 (2), 784-806, 2014
The impact of the AMO on the West African monsoon annual cycle
ER Martin, CD Thorncroft
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 140 (678), 31-46, 2014
Modulation of Caribbean precipitation by the Madden–Julian oscillation
ER Martin, C Schumacher
Journal of Climate 24 (3), 813-824, 2011
The Caribbean low-level jet and its relationship with precipitation in IPCC AR4 models
ER Martin, C Schumacher
Journal of Climate 24 (22), 5935-5950, 2011
Future projections of global pluvial and drought event characteristics
ER Martin
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (21), 11,913-11,920, 2018
Representation of African easterly waves in CMIP5 models
ER Martin, C Thorncroft
Journal of Climate 28 (19), 7702-7715, 2015
Sahel rainfall in multimodel CMIP5 decadal hindcasts
ER Martin, C Thorncroft
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (6), 2169-2175, 2014
Precipitation dynamical downscaling over the Great Plains
XM Hu, M Xue, RA McPherson, E Martin, DH Rosendahl, L Qiao
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 10 (2), 421-447, 2018
Global projections of flash drought show increased risk in a warming climate
JI Christian, ER Martin, JB Basara, JC Furtado, JA Otkin, LEL Lowman, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 165, 2023
Synoptic characteristics of 14-day extreme precipitation events across the United States
GC Jennrich, JC Furtado, JB Basara, ER Martin
Journal of Climate 33 (15), 6423-6440, 2020
An observational and modeling study of an atmospheric internal bore during NAME 2004
ER Martin, RH Johnson
Monthly weather review 136 (11), 4150-4167, 2008
Understanding the influence of ENSO on the Great Plains low-level jet in CMIP5 models
JF Danco, ER Martin
Climate Dynamics 51 (4), 1537-1558, 2018
The relationship between tropical warm pool precipitation, sea surface temperature, and large-scale vertical motion in IPCC AR4 models
ER Martin, C Schumacher
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 69 (1), 185-194, 2012
Future characteristics of African easterly wave tracks
AL Brannan, ER Martin
Climate Dynamics 52, 5567-5584, 2019
Listening to stakeholders: Initiating research on subseasonal-to-seasonal heavy precipitation events in the contiguous United States by first understanding what stakeholders need
O VanBuskirk, P Ćwik, RA McPherson, H Lazrus, E Martin, C Kuster, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 102 (10), E1972-E1986, 2021
Impacts of ocean-atmosphere teleconnection patterns on the south-central United States
RV Rohli, GA Snedden, ER Martin, KL DeLong
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 934654, 2022
Applications of uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) in winter precipitation-type forecasts
DD Tripp, ER Martin, HD Reeves
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 60 (3), 361-375, 2021
Projected changes to streamflow and stream temperature in central Texas: how much will the river flow?
AM Wootten, E Martin, CR Randklev, R Smith
Earth Interactions 27 (1), 220021, 2023
Role of sea surface temperatures in forcing circulation anomalies driving US Great Plains pluvial years
PX Flanagan, JB Basara, JC Furtado, ER Martin, X Xiao
Journal of Climate 32 (20), 7081-7100, 2019
Regionally varying assessments of upper-level tropical width in reanalyses and CMIP5 models using a tropopause break metric
ER Martin, CR Homeyer, RA McKinzie, KM McCarthy, T Xian
Journal of Climate 33 (14), 5885-5903, 2020
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