Claudia Buengeler
Claudia Buengeler
Professor, Kiel University
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Leadership behaviour and leader self-reported well-being: A review, integration and meta-analytic examination
AJ Kaluza, D Boer, C Buengeler, R van Dick
Work & Stress 34 (1), 34-56, 2020
Leading diversity: Towards a theory of functional leadership in diverse teams.
AC Homan, S Gündemir, C Buengeler, GA van Kleef
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (10), 1101, 2020
The Interplay of Diversity Training and Diversity Beliefs on Team Creativity in Nationality Diverse Teams
AC Homan, C Buengeler, RA Eckhoff, WP van Ginkel, SC Voelpel
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2015
How leaders shape the impact of HR's diversity practices on employee inclusion
C Buengeler, H Leroy, K De Stobbeleir
Human Resource Management Review 28 (3), 289-303, 2018
The challenge of being a young manager: The effects of contingent reward and participative leadership on team‐level turnover depend on leader age
C Buengeler, AC Homan, SC Voelpel
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (8), 1224-1245, 2016
Leaders' charismatic leadership and followers' commitment—The moderating dynamics of value erosion at the societal level
D Gebert, K Heinitz, C Buengeler
The Leadership Quarterly 27 (1), 98-108, 2016
LMX differentiation and group outcomes: A framework and review drawing on group diversity insights
C Buengeler, RF Piccolo, LR Locklear
Journal of Management 47 (1), 260-287, 2021
Fostering team creativity through team-focused inclusion: The role of leader harvesting the benefits of diversity and cultivating value-in-diversity beliefs
H Leroy, C Buengeler, M Veestraeten, M Shemla, IJ Hoever
Group & Organization Management 47 (4), 798-839, 2022
National diversity and team performance: The moderating role of interactional justice climate
C Buengeler, DN Den Hartog
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (6), 831-855, 2015
Tolerance: A neglected dimension in diversity training?
D Gebert, C Buengeler, K Heinitz
Academy of Management Learning & Education 16 (3), 415-438, 2017
Mental health and quality of life after genetic testing for Huntington disease: A long term effect study in Germany
C Licklederer, G Wolff, J Barth
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 2078-2085, 2008
The moderating role of employee socioeconomic status in the relationship between leadership and well-being: A meta-analysis and representative survey.
S Pajic, C Buengeler, DN Den Hartog, D Boer
Journal of occupational health psychology 26 (6), 537, 2021
When timing is key: How autocratic and democratic leadership relate to follower trust in emergency contexts
F Rosing, D Boer, C Buengeler
Frontiers in psychology 13, 904605, 2022
Using state space grids for modeling temporal team dynamics
AL Meinecke, CS Hemshorn de Sanchez, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 863, 2019
Leadership and goal setting
RF Piccolo, C Buengeler
New developments in goal setting and task performance, 357-374, 2013
Killer apps: Developing novel applications that enhance team coordination, communication, and effectiveness
C Buengeler, F Klonek, N Lehmann-Willenbrock, LP Morency, R Poppe
Small group research 48 (5), 591-620, 2017
17 Leadership [Is] Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Review of
RF Piccolo, C Buengeler, TA Judge
The Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior, 297, 2018
Fluidity in project management teams across projects
C Buengeler, FBI Situmeang, W van Eerde, NM Wijnberg
International Journal of Project Management 39 (3), 282-294, 2021
Diversity in Teams: Was macht diverse Teams erfolgreich?
C Buengeler, AC Homan
Handbuch Diversity Kompetenz: Band 1: Perspektiven und Anwendungsfelder, 663-677, 2016
Meetings all over the world: Structural and psychological characteristics of meetings in different countries.
W van Eerde, C Buengeler
Cambridge University Press, 2015
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