Rain streak removal using layer priors Y Li, RT Tan, X Guo, J Lu, MS Brown Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2016 | 942 | 2016 |
As-projective-as-possible image stitching with moving DLT J Zaragoza, TJ Chin, MS Brown, D Suter Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013 | 787 | 2013 |
A high-quality denoising dataset for smartphone cameras A Abdelhamed, S Lin, MS Brown Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 760 | 2018 |
High quality depth map upsampling for 3D-TOF cameras J Park, H Kim, YW Tai, MS Brown, I Kweon 2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 1623-1630, 2011 | 631 | 2011 |
Multi-projector displays using camera-based registration R Raskar, MS Brown, R Yang, WC Chen, G Welch, H Towles, B Scales, ... Proceedings Visualization'99 (Cat. No. 99CB37067), 161-522, 1999 | 539 | 1999 |
Super resolution using edge prior and single image detail synthesis YW Tai, S Liu, MS Brown, S Lin 2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010 | 427 | 2010 |
Single image layer separation using relative smoothness Y Li, MS Brown Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014 | 394 | 2014 |
Constructing image panoramas using dual-homography warping J Gao, SJ Kim, MS Brown CVPR 2011, 49-56, 2011 | 388 | 2011 |
Richardson-lucy deblurring for scenes under a projective motion path YW Tai, P Tan, MS Brown IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 33 (8), 1603-1618, 2010 | 378 | 2010 |
Illuminant estimation for color constancy: why spatial-domain methods work and the role of the color distribution D Cheng, DK Prasad, MS Brown JOSA A 31 (5), 1049-1058, 2014 | 374 | 2014 |
Camera-based calibration techniques for seamless multiprojector displays M Brown, A Majumder, R Yang IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 11 (2), 193-206, 2005 | 369 | 2005 |
Nighttime haze removal with glow and multiple light colors Y Li, RT Tan, MS Brown Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 226-234, 2015 | 284 | 2015 |
Pixelflex: A reconfigurable multi-projector display system R Yang, D Gotz, J Hensley, H Towles, MS Brown Proceedings Visualization, 2001. VIS'01., 167-554, 2001 | 279 | 2001 |
Training-based spectral reconstruction from a single RGB image RMH Nguyen, DK Prasad, MS Brown Computer Vision–ECCV 2014: 13th European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2014 | 231 | 2014 |
Exploiting reflection change for automatic reflection removal Y Li, MS Brown Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 2432-2439, 2013 | 231 | 2013 |
Image restoration of arbitrarily warped documents MS Brown, WB Seales IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 26 (10), 1295 …, 2004 | 205 | 2004 |
A new in-camera imaging model for color computer vision and its application SJ Kim, HT Lin, Z Lu, S Süsstrunk, S Lin, MS Brown IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (12), 2289 …, 2012 | 194 | 2012 |
Image/video deblurring using a hybrid camera YW Tai, H Du, MS Brown, S Lin 2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008 | 194 | 2008 |
Globally optimized linear windowed tone mapping Q Shan, J Jia, MS Brown IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 16 (4), 663-675, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Haze visibility enhancement: A survey and quantitative benchmarking Y Li, S You, MS Brown, RT Tan Computer Vision and Image Understanding 165, 1-16, 2017 | 179 | 2017 |