Inteligencia emocional y su relación con los niveles de burnout, engagement y estrés en estudiantes universitarios N Extremera Pacheco, A Durán, L Rey Peña Revista de educación, 2007 | 467 | 2007 |
Perceived emotional intelligence and dispositional optimism–pessimism: Analyzing their role in predicting psychological adjustment among adolescents N Extremera, A Durán, L Rey Personality and Individual Differences 42 (6), 1069-1079, 2007 | 405 | 2007 |
Predicting academic burnout and engagement in educational settings: Assessing the incremental validity of perceived emotional intelligence beyond perceived stress and general … A Durán, N Extremera, L Rey, P Fernández-Berrocal, FM Montalbán Psicothema, 158-164, 2006 | 334 | 2006 |
Perceived emotional intelligence, self-esteem and life satisfaction in adolescents L Rey, N Extremera, M Pena Psychosocial Intervention 20 (2), 227-234, 2011 | 331 | 2011 |
Engagement y burnout en el ámbito docente: Análisis de sus relaciones con la satisfacción laboral y vital en una muestra de profesores N EXTREMERA, FCOM MONTALBÁN, L REY Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 21 (1-2), 145-158, 2005 | 302 | 2005 |
The moderating effect of trait meta-mood and perceived stress on life satisfaction N Extremera, A Durán, L Rey Personality and Individual Differences 47 (2), 116-121, 2009 | 270 | 2009 |
Validation of the Spanish version of the Wong Law emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS-S) N Extremera Pacheco, L Rey Peña, N Sánchez Álvarez Psicothema, 2019 | 255 | 2019 |
Self-reported emotional intelligence, burnout and engagement among staff in services for people with intellectual disabilities A Durán, N Extremera, L Rey Psychological reports 95 (2), 386-390, 2004 | 229 | 2004 |
Ability emotional intelligence and life satisfaction: Positive and negative affect as mediators N Extremera, L Rey Personality and Individual Differences 102, 98-101, 2016 | 217 | 2016 |
Cyberbullying victimization, self-esteem and suicidal ideation in adolescence: Does emotional intelligence play a buffering role? N Extremera, C Quintana-Orts, S Mérida-López, L Rey Frontiers in psychology 9, 367, 2018 | 210 | 2018 |
Burnout en profesionales de la enseñanza: un estudio en Educación Primaria, Secundaria y Superior N Extremera Pacheco, L Rey Peña Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 17 (1), 45-62, 2001 | 195 | 2001 |
Life satisfaction and engagement in elementary and primary educators: Differences in emotional intelligence and gender M Pena, L Rey, N Extremera Revista de Psicodidáctica 17 (2), 341-360, 2012 | 171 | 2012 |
La inteligencia emocional percibida y su influencia sobre la satisfacción vital, la delicidad subjetiva y el" engagement" en trabajadores de centros para personas con … LR Peña, AD Castillo, NE Pacheco Ansiedad y estrés 11 (1), 63-73, 2005 | 171 | 2005 |
La docencia perjudica seriamente la salud. Análisis de los síntomas asociados al estrés docente N Extremera, L Rey, M Pena Boletín de psicología 100 (1), 43-54, 2010 | 160 | 2010 |
Recursos personales, síndrome de estar quemado por el trabajo y sintomatología asociada al estrés en docentes de enseñanza primaria y secundaria. N Extremera, A Durán, L Rey Ansiedad y estrés 16 (1), 2010 | 155 | 2010 |
The moderator role of emotion regulation ability in the link between stress and well-being N Extremera, L Rey Frontiers in psychology 6, 1632, 2015 | 136 | 2015 |
Contributions of work-related stress and emotional intelligence to teacher engagement: Additive and interactive effects S Mérida-López, N Extremera, L Rey International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (10), 1156, 2017 | 134 | 2017 |
Efficient solution concepts and their relations in stochastic multiobjective programming R Caballero, E Cerdá, MM Munoz, L Rey, IM Stancu-Minasian Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 110, 53-74, 2001 | 129 | 2001 |
Positive psychological characteristics and interpersonal forgiveness: Identifying the unique contribution of emotional intelligence abilities, Big Five traits, gratitude and … L Rey, N Extremera Personality and Individual differences 68, 199-204, 2014 | 124 | 2014 |
Engagement and burnout: Analysing their association patterns A Durán, N Extremera, L Rey Psychological reports 94 (3), 1048-1050, 2004 | 124 | 2004 |