Rippling: meta-level guidance for mathematical reasoning A Bundy, D Basin, D Hutter, A Ireland | 214 | 2005 |
Guiding induction proofs D Hutter 10th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Kaiserslautern, FRG …, 1990 | 118 | 1990 |
The Karlsruhe induction theorem proving system S Biundo, B Hummel, D Hutter, C Walther 8th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Oxford, England, July …, 1986 | 92 | 1986 |
Development graphs—proof management for structured specifications T Mossakowski, S Autexier, D Hutter The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 67 (1-2), 114-145, 2006 | 87 | 2006 |
INKA: The next generation D Hutter, C Sengler International Conference on Automated Deduction, 288-292, 1996 | 87 | 1996 |
Towards an evolutionary formal software-development using CASL S Autexier, D Hutter, H Mantel, A Schairer Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 14th International …, 2000 | 79 | 2000 |
The development graph manager MAYA S Autexier, D Hutter, T Mossakowski, A Schairer International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology …, 2002 | 72 | 2002 |
Deduction in the verification support environment (VSE) D Hutter, B Langenstein, C Sengler, JH Siekmann, W Stephan, ... FME'96: Industrial Benefit and Advances in Formal Methods: Third …, 1996 | 64 | 1996 |
System description: Inka 5.0-a logic voyager S Autexier, D Hutter, H Mantel, A Schairer CADE, 207-211, 1999 | 63 | 1999 |
Information flow control to secure dynamic web service composition D Hutter, M Volkamer International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing, 196-210, 2006 | 54 | 2006 |
Verification support environment (USE) D Hutter, B Langenstein, C Sengler, JH Siekmann, W Stephan, A Wolpers High Integrity Systems 1 (6), 523-530, 1996 | 54 | 1996 |
Coloring terms to control equational reasoning D Hutter Journal of Automated Reasoning 18, 399-442, 1997 | 51 | 1997 |
Management of change in structured verification D Hutter Proceedings ASE 2000. Fifteenth IEEE International Conference on Automated …, 2000 | 42 | 2000 |
VSE: Controlling the complexity in formal software developments D Hutter, H Mantel, G Rock, W Stephan, A Wolpers, M Balser, W Reif, ... International Workshop on Current Trends in Applied Formal Methods, 351-358, 1998 | 42 | 1998 |
A Coloured Version of the lambda-calculus D Hutter, M Kohlhase Universität des Saarlandes, Fachbereich Informatik, 1995 | 42* | 1995 |
Extending development graphs with hiding T Mossakowski, S Autexier, D Hutter International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2001 | 41 | 2001 |
VSE: Formal methods meet industrial needs S Autexier, D Hutter, B Langenstein, H Mantel, G Rock, A Schairer, ... International journal on software tools for technology transfer 3, 66-77, 2000 | 38 | 2000 |
Software certification and software certificate management systems E Denney, B Fischer Software Certificate Management 2005, 2005 | 33 | 2005 |
Synthesis of induction orderings for existence proofs D Hutter Automated Deduction—CADE-12: 12th International Conference on Automated …, 1994 | 30 | 1994 |
Multimedia instruction in safe and secure systems B Krieg-Brückner, D Hutter, A Lindow, C Lüth, A Mahnke, E Melis, P Meier, ... Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 16th International …, 2003 | 28 | 2003 |