Roberto Toffoli
Roberto Toffoli
Consulenze Faunistiche
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Phylogeography and postglacial recolonization of Europe by Rhinolophus hipposideros: evidence from multiple genetic markers
SE Dool, SJ Puechmaille, C Dietz, J Juste, C Ibáñez, P Hulva, SG Roué, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (15), 4055-4070, 2013
Coronavirus and paramyxovirus in bats from Northwest Italy
F Rizzo, KM Edenborough, R Toffoli, P Culasso, S Zoppi, A Dondo, ...
BMC veterinary research 13, 1-11, 2017
A line transect survey of wintering raptors in the western Po Plain of northern Italy
G Boano, R Toffoli
Journal of Raptor Research 36 (2), 128-135, 2002
Bat activity in rice paddies: Organic and conventional farms compared to unmanaged habitat
R Toffoli, M Rughetti
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249, 123-129, 2017
Sex-specific seasonal change in body mass in two species of vespertilionid bats
M Rughetti, R Toffoli
Acta Chiropterologica 16 (1), 149-155, 2014
The importance of linear landscape elements for bats in a farmland area: the influence of height on activity
R Toffoli
Journal of Landscape Ecology 9 (1), 49-62, 2016
Resoconto ornitologico per la regione Piemone-Valle d'Aosta. Anni 2000-2001
G Alessandria, G Boano, M Della Toffola, S Fasano, C Pulcher, R Toffoli
Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 24, 2003
The patterns and possible causes of global geographical variation in the body size of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)
T Jiang, J Wang, H Wu, G Csorba, SJ Puechmaille, P Benda, J Boireau, ...
Journal of Biogeography, 1-15, 2019
Gli uccelli della provincia di Cuneo: check list commentata delle specie
B Caula, R Toffoli, PL Beraudo
Regione Piemonte, 2005
Osservazioni sulla migrazione autunnale dei rapaci diurni sulle Alpi Marittime
R Toffoli, C Bellone
Bats of Alpi Marittime Nature Park (north West Italy) and site of community importance IT1160056: distribution and status
R Toffoli, P Culasso, AG Locatelli, L Giraudo
Natural History Sciences 3 (1), 3-13, 2016
Geographical origin and endemism of Corsican Kuhl's pipistrelles assessed from mitochondrial DNA
A Evin, V Nicolas, G Beuneux, R Toffoli, C Cruaud, A Couloux, JM Pons
Journal of Zoology 284 (1), 31-39, 2011
Long-term monitoring of the effects of weather and marking techniques on body condition in the Kuhl's pipistrelle bat, Pipistrellus kuhlii
AG Locatelli, S Ciuti, P Presetnik, R Toffoli, E Teeling
Acta Chiropterologica 21 (1), 87-102, 2019
Effect of water management on bat activity in rice paddies
R Toffoli, M Rughetti
Paddy and Water Environment 18 (4), 687-695, 2020
What can we learn from faeces? Assessing genotyping success and genetic variability in three mouse-eared bat species from non-invasive genetic sampling
A Viglino, R Caniglia, A Ruiz-Gonzalez, D Russo, M Galaverni, R Toffoli, ...
Hystrix 27 (2), 150, 2016
Monitoraggio della comunità ornitica nelle ZPS e nelle aree liguri di maggiore vocazionalità avifaunistica e/o agricola. Anno 2013
SG Fasano, A Aluigi, L Baghino, M Campora, R Cottalasso, R Toffoli
Regione Liguria–Parco del Beigua. Relazione interna, 2013
Long term trends of hibernating bats in North-Western Italy
R Toffoli, M Calvini
Biologia 76 (2), 633-643, 2021
Monitoraggio delle colonie di Chirotteri riproduttive e svernanti di particolare interesse conservazionistico note in Piemonte e dati preliminari sull’attività di swarming
P Debernardi, E Patriarca, R Toffoli
Relazione inedita, Regione Piemonte, Parco Naturale Laghi di Avigliana, 2010
Record of Brandt’s bat Myotis brandtii (Eversmann, 1845) in Piedmont (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
R Toffoli
Hystrix 17 (2), 2006
La migrazione postnuziale del Nibbio bruno Milvus migrans attraverso le Alpi Marittime
L Giraudo, R Toffoli
AVOCETTA-PARMA- 27 (1), 60-62, 2003
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