Jose Luis Isla Montes
Analysis and application of gamification
A Francisco-Aparicio, FL Gutiérrez-Vela, JL González-Sánchez, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interacción Persona …, 2012
Motivation, students’ needs and learning outcomes: A hybrid game-based app for enhanced language learning
A Berns, JL Isla-Montes, M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero
SpringerPlus 5, 1-23, 2016
Gamification: Analysis and Application
A Francisco-Aparicio, FL Gutiérrez-Vela, JL Isla-Montes
New Trends in Interaction, Virtual Reality and Modeling, 113-126, 2013
Agenda colaborativa para el aprendizaje de idiomas: del papel al dispositivo móvil
A Berns, M Palomo-Duarte, JL Isla-Montes, JM Dodero, P Delatorre
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia 20 (2), 119-139, 2017
An architecture for access control management in collaborative enterprise systems based on organization models
FL Gutiérrez Vela, JL Isla Montes, P Paderewski Rodríguez, ...
Science of Computer Programming 66 (1), 44-59, 2007
El IRC como herramienta para la formación flexible y a distancia
FD Ortega Molina, JL Isla Montes, F Pavón Rabasco
Pixel-Bit. Revista de medios y educación 14, 31-41, 2000
Consideraciones para la implantación de la videoconferencia en el aula
JL Isla-Montes, FD Ortega Molina
Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación, 23-31, 2001
Supporting social organization modelling in cooperative work using patterns
JLI Montes, FLG Vela, MG Megías
International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design …, 2005
Descripción de Patrones de Organización y su Modelado con AMENITIES
J Isla, F Gutiérrez, M Gea, J Garrido
Proceedings 4ª Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Ingeniería del Software e …, 2004
A pattern-based approach for conceptual modeling of cooperative systems
JLI Montes, FLG Vela, PP Rodriguez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 5 (4), 204-210, 2007
Organization Modelling to Support Access Control for Collaborative Systems.
FLG Vela, JLI Montes, P Paderewski, M Sánchez
Software Engineering Research and Practice, 757-763, 2006
Modelado Conceptual de Sistemas Cooperativos en base a Patrones en AMENITIES
JLI Montes, FL Guti, S Inform
Granada, 2007
Motivation, students’ needs and learning outcomes: A hybrid game-based app for enhanced language learning. SpringerPlus, 5: 1–23
A Berns, JL Isla-Montes, M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero
Un marco conceptual para el modelado de sistemas colaborativos empresariales
FL Gutiérrez, VMR Penichet, JL Isla, F Montero, MD Lozano, JA Gallud, ...
Proceedings of the VII Congreso de Interacción Persona Ordenador, 269-278, 2006
Un profile para el modelado de patrones de software
JLI Montes, FLG Vela, PP Rodríguez
Actas de las X Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, 265-270, 2005
A collaborative mobile learning system to facilitate foreign language learning and assessment processes
M Palomo-Duarte, A Berns, JL Isla-Montes, JM Dodero, O Kabtoul
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological …, 2016
Analysis of the effectiveness of gamification
A Aparicio, J Montes, F Vela
APPLEPIES Proceedings, 108-119, 2016
Modelado Conceptual de Sistemas Cooperativos en base a Patrones en AMENITIES
JL Isla Montes
Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2007
Access Control Model for Collaborative Business Process
M Sánchez-Román, B Jiménez-Valverde, FL Gutiérrez-Vela, ...
Engineering The User Interface, 117-132, 2009
Redesigning a foreign language learning task using mobile devices: A comparative analysis between the digital and paper-based outcomes
JL Isla-Montes, A Berns, M Palomo-Duarte, JM Dodero
Applied Sciences 12 (11), 5686, 2022
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