Zosimov Viacheslav
Zosimov Viacheslav
професор кафедри прикладних інформаційних систем Київського національного університету імені Тараса
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Construction and research of the generalized iterative GMDH algorithm with active neurons
V Stepashko, O Bulgakova, V Zosimov
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing II: Selected Papers from the …, 2018
Проблеми та перспективи розвитку електронної торгівлі в Україні
В Зосімов, О Берко
Геометричне моделювання та інформаційні технології, 51-57, 2018
Inductive building of search results ranking models to enhance the relevance of text information retrieval
V Zosimov, V Stepashko, O Bulgakova
2015 26th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2015
Dynamically changing user interfaces: software solutions based on automatically collected user information
VV Zosimov, OV Khrystodorov, OS Bulgakova
Programming and Computer Software 44, 492-498, 2018
Гібридні алгоритми самоорганізації моделей для прогнозування складних процесів
ВС Степашко, ОС Булгакова, ВВ Зосімов
Міжнародний науково-навчальний центр інформаційних технологій і систем НАН …, 2010
Методи та системи штучного інтелекту: теорія та практика: навч. посіб
ОС Булгакова, ВВ Зосімов, ВО Поздєєв
Херсон: ОЛДІ-ПЛЮС, 2020
Complex internet data management system
V Zosimov, O Bulgakova, V Pozdeev
International Scientific Conference “Intellectual Systems of Decision Making …, 2020
Modified multilayered GMDH algorithm with combinatorial optimization of partial descriptions complexity
V Stepashko, O Bulgakova, V Zosimov
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Inductive Modelling IWIM-2010 …, 2010
Calculation the Measure of Expert Opinions Consistency Based on Social Profile Using Inductive Algorithms
V Zosimov, O Bulgakova
Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making: Proceedings …, 2020
Numerical study of the generalized iterative algorithm GIA GMDH with active neurons
O Bulgakova, V Stepashko, V Zosimov
2017 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2017
Enhanced technology of efficient Internet retrieval for relevant information using inductive processing of search results
V Zosimov, V Stepashko, O Bulgakova
Artificial Intelligence Methods and Techniques for Business and Engineering …, 2012
Semantic Profile of Corporate Web Resources.
VV Zosimov, OS Bulgakova, V Pozdeev
IT&I Workshops, 389-397, 2021
Hybrid algorithms of self-organization of models for forecasting complex processes
VS Stepashko, OS Bulgakova, VV Zosimov
Inductive modeling of complex systems, 236-246, 2010
Web Data Displaying Approach Based on Users Semantic Profile Templates
V Zosimov, O Bulgakova
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2020
Risk of information loss using jwt token
O Bulgakova, V Mashkov, V Zosimov, P Popravkin
CEUR Workshop Proceedings this link is disabled 3101, 292-299, 2021
Application of personalized ranking models based on expert evaluations for sorting goods on e-commerce web resources
V Zosimov, O Bulgakova
2020 IEEE 15th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2020
Usage of inductive algorithms for building a search results ranking model based on visitor rating evaluations
V Zosimov, O Bulgakova
2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2018
Software package for modeling of complex systems based on iterative GMDH algorithms with the network access capability
O Bulgakova, V Zosimov, V Stepashko
System Research and Information Technologies 1, 43-55, 2014
Performance of Hybrid Multilayered GMDH Algorithm
V Stepashko, O Bulgakova, V Zosimov
Proceedings of IWIM, 4-10, 2011
Educational Module for Studying PC Architecture Using 3D Technologies
O Bulgakova, V Zosimov, Y Tselm
2022 IEEE 17th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2022
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