Managing investors: How financial markets reshaped the American firm D Zorn, F Dobbin, J Dierkes, MS Kwok The sociology of financial markets 269, 277, 2005 | 192 | 2005 |
Out of the shadows: The global intensification of supplementary education J Aurini, S Davies, JB Dierkes Emerald, 2013 | 153 | 2013 |
Postwar history education in Japan and the Germanys: Guilty lessons J Dierkes Routledge, 2010 | 86 | 2010 |
Teaching in the shadow: Operators of small shadow education institutions in Japan J Dierkes Asia Pacific Education Review 11, 25-35, 2010 | 71 | 2010 |
Japanese shadow education: The consequences of school choice J Dierkes na, 2008 | 48 | 2008 |
Conflict in the world polity-neo-institutional perspectives M Koenig, J Dierkes Acta Sociologica 54 (1), 5-25, 2011 | 47 | 2011 |
The insecurity industry: Supplementary education in Japan J Dierkes Out of the shadows: The global intensification of supplementary education, 3-21, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
The decline and rise of the nation in German history education J Dierkes The nation, Europe, and the world: Textbooks and curricula in transition, 82-104, 2005 | 39 | 2005 |
The stability of postwar Japanese history education amid global changes J Dierkes History education and national identity in East Asia, 255-274, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Privatschulen und privatwirtschaftliche Zusatzschulen in Japan: Bildungspolitische Lückenbüßer und Marktlücke J Dierkes Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 55 (5), 732-746, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Out of the shadows? An introduction to worldwide supplementary education J Aurini, S Davies, J Dierkes Out of the shadows: The global intensification of supplementary education …, 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Change in democratic Mongolia: Social relations, health, mobile pastoralism, and mining J Dierkes Brill, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
Canada’s foreign policy and bureaucratic (un) responsiveness: public diplomacy in the digital domain K Ostwald, J Dierkes Canada, Nation Branding and Domestic Politics, 83-103, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Zur Ambivalenz der universalistischen Weltkultur-Konfliktbearbeitung und Konfliktdynamik aus der Sicht des neuen soziologischen Institutionalismus J Dierkes, M Koenig Konflikte der Weltgesellschaft. Akteure-Strukturen-Dynamiken, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
The New New Firm: Power and Sense-making in the Construction of Shareholder Value D Zorn, F Dobbin, J Dierkes, MS Kwok Nordiske Organisationsstudier 3, 41-68, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
Cui bono: Institutional investors, securities analysts, agents, and the shareholder value myth D Zorn, F Dobbin, J Dierkes, M Kwok New public and private models of management: sensemaking and institutions, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
Soziologischer Neo-Institutionalismus J Dierkes, D Zorn na, 2005 | 14 | 2005 |
The rise of the COO: From luxury sidekick to a significant player in corporate management F Dobbin, J Dierkes, D Zorn, MS Kwok American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 2003 | 14 | 2003 |
Teaching portrayals of the nation: Postwar history education in Japan and the Germanys JB Dierkes Princeton University, 2003 | 13 | 2003 |
Theoretical introduction to the special issue on the embedded enterprise K Ibata-Arens, J Dierkes, D Zorn Enterprise & Society 7 (1), 1-18, 2006 | 12 | 2006 |