Sameh Elnaggar
Sameh Elnaggar
University of New South Wales, Canberra
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Energy coupled mode theory for electromagnetic resonators
SY Elnaggar, RJ Tervo, SM Mattar
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (7), 2115-2123, 2015
Coupled modes, frequencies and fields of a dielectric resonator and a cavity using coupled mode theory
SY Elnaggar, R Tervo, SM Mattar
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 238, 1-7, 2014
General expressions and physical origin of the coupling coefficient of arbitrary tuned coupled electromagnetic resonators
RTSM Sameh Elnaggar
Journal of Applied Physics, 2015
Modeling space–time periodic structures with arbitrary unit cells using time periodic circuit theory
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 68 (9), 6636-6645, 2020
Analysis of two stacked cylindrical dielectric resonators in a TE102 microwave cavity for magnetic resonance spectroscopy
SM Mattar, SY ElNaggar
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 209 (2), 174-182, 2011
General expressions for the coupling coefficient, quality and filling factors for a cavity with an insert using energy coupled mode theory
SY Elnaggar, R Tervo, SM Mattar
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 242, 57-66, 2014
Controlling nonreciprocity using enhanced Brillouin scattering
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (7), 3500-3511, 2018
Coupled mode theory applied to resonators in the presence of conductors
SY Elnaggar, RJ Tervo, SM Mattar
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (7), 2124-2132, 2015
Optimal dielectric and cavity configurations for improving the efficiency of electron paramagnetic resonance probes
SY Elnaggar, R Tervo, SM Mattar
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 245, 50-57, 2014
An electromagnetic induced transparency-like scheme for wireless power transfer using dielectric resonators
S Elnaggar
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (6), 2017
Generalized space-time periodic circuits for arbitrary structures
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.08698, 2019
Description and stability analysis of nonlinear transmission line type metamaterials using nonlinear dynamics theory
SYEGN Milford
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (12), 2017
Wireless power transfer via dielectric loaded multi-moded split cavity resonator
SY Elnaggar, C Saha, YM Antar
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (24), 2019
Modes and fields of two stacked dielectric resonators in a cavity of an electron paramagnetic resonance probe
SM Mattar, SY Elnaggar
Applied Magnetic Resonance 48, 1205-1217, 2017
Properties of translation operator and the solution of the eigenvalue and boundary value problems of arbitrary space–time periodic metamaterials
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
Royal Society Open Science 8 (8), 210367, 2021
Three-wave mixing as the limit of nonlinear dynamics theory for nonlinear transmission line-type metamaterials
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (1), 481-486, 2017
Analysis of nonlinear Left-Handed transmission lines using state space modelling
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
2015 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), 1-4, 2015
Stability analysis of nonlinear left handed transmission lines using floquet multipliers and bifurcation theory
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI …, 2016
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Left Handed Transmission Lines using Three Wave Mixing
SY Elnaggar, GN Milford
2nd Australian Microwave Symposium, Adelaide, 2016
An Electrodynamics Solver for Moving Sources
SY Elnaggar, Y Antar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05997, 2022
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