Marlene Sanjose
Marlene Sanjose
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A two-step chemical scheme for kerosene–air premixed flames
B Franzelli, E Riber, M Sanjosé, T Poinsot
Combustion and Flame 157 (7), 1364-1373, 2010
Fuel injection model for Euler–Euler and Euler–Lagrange large-eddy simulations of an evaporating spray inside an aeronautical combustor
M Sanjosé, JM Senoner, F Jaegle, B Cuenot, S Moreau, T Poinsot
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 37 (5), 514-529, 2011
Sub-harmonic broadband humps and tip noise in low-speed ring fans
S Moreau, M Sanjose
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 139 (1), 118-127, 2016
Large Eddy Simulation of a scale-model turbofan for fan noise source diagnostic
CP Arroyo, T Leonard, M Sanjose, S Moreau, F Duchaine
Journal of Sound and Vibration 445, 64-76, 2019
Noise source analysis of a rod–airfoil configuration using unstructured large-eddy simulation
JC Giret, A Sengissen, S Moreau, M Sanjosé, JC Jouhaud
AiAA Journal 53 (4), 1062-1077, 2015
Rotating coherent flow structures as a source for narrowband tip clearance noise from axial fans
T Zhu, D Lallier-Daniels, M Sanjosé, S Moreau, T Carolus
Journal of Sound and Vibration 417, 198-215, 2018
Subsonic jet noise simulations using both structured and unstructured grids
A Fosso Pouangué, M Sanjosé, S Moreau, G Daviller, H Deniau
Aiaa Journal 53 (1), 55-69, 2015
A characteristic inlet boundary condition for compressible, turbulent, multispecies turbomachinery flows
N Odier, M Sanjosé, L Gicquel, T Poinsot, S Moreau, F Duchaine
Computers & Fluids 178, 41-55, 2019
Direct self-noise simulation of the installed controlled diffusion airfoil
S Moreau, M Sanjosé, F Perot, MS Kim
17th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (32nd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference …, 2011
Eulerian and Lagrangian Large-Eddy Simulations of an evaporating two-phase flow
JM Senoner, M Sanjosé, T Lederlin, F Jaegle, M García, E Riber, ...
Comptes Rendus Mécanique 337 (6-7), 458-468, 2009
Modal analysis of the laminar boundary layer instability and tonal noise of an airfoil at Reynolds number 150,000
M Sanjose, A Towne, P Jaiswal, S Moreau, S Lele, A Mann
International Journal of Aeroacoustics 18 (2-3), 317-350, 2019
Fast and accurate analytical modeling of broadband noise for a low-speed fan
M Sanjosé, S Moreau
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (5), 3103-3113, 2018
Prediction of the sound generated by a rod-airfoil configuration using a compressible unstructured LES solver and a FW-H analogy
JC Giret, A Sengissen, S Moreau, M Sanjosé, JC Jouhaud
18th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (33rd AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference …, 2012
Direct numerical simulation of acoustic reduction using serrated trailing-edge on an isolated airfoil
M Sanjose, C Méon, S Moreau, A Idier, P Laffay
20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2324, 2014
Large Eddy Simulation of a scale-model turbofan for fan noise source diagnostic
T Leonard, M Sanjose, S Moreau, F Duchaine
22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 3000, 2016
Isothermal and heated subsonic jet noise using large eddy simulations on unstructured grids
M Zhu, CP Arroyo, AF Pouangué, M Sanjosé, S Moreau
Computers & Fluids 171, 166-192, 2018
Direct noise prediction and control of an installed large low-speed radial fan
M Sanjose, S Moreau
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 61, 235-243, 2017
Evaluation de la méthode Euler-Euler pour la simulation aux grandes échelles des chambres à carburant liquide
M Sanjosé
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2009
Jet noise simulation with realistic nozzle geometries using fully unstructured LES solver
A Fosso-Pouangué, M Sanjosé, S Moreau
18th AIAA/CEAS aeroacoustics conference (33rd AIAA aeroacoustics conference …, 2012
ACAT1 fan stage broadband noise prediction using large-eddy simulation and analytical models
D Lewis, S Moreau, MC Jacob, M Sanjosé
Aiaa Journal 60 (1), 360-380, 2022
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