Ryan C Hurley
Ryan C Hurley
Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University
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Quantifying interparticle forces and heterogeneity in 3D granular materials
RC Hurley, SA Hall, JE Andrade, J Wright
Physical Review Letters 117, 098005, 2016
Spam: software for practical analysis of materials
O Stamati, E Andò, E Roubin, R Cailletaud, M Wiebicke, G Pinzon, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (51), 2286, 2020
Extracting inter-particle forces in opaque granular materials: Beyond photoelasticity
R Hurley, E Marteau, G Ravichandran, JE Andrade
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 154-166, 2014
In situ grain fracture mechanics during uniaxial compaction of granular solids
RC Hurley, J Lind, DC Pagan, MC Akin, EB Herbold
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 112, 273-290, 2018
The role of particle morphology on concrete fracture behaviour: A meso-scale modelling approach
D Wei, RC Hurley, LH Poh, D Dias-da-Costa, Y Gan
Cement and Concrete Research 134, 106096, 2020
Particle rotations and energy dissipation during mechanical compression of granular materials
C Zhai, EB Herbold, SA Hall, RC Hurley
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 129, 19-38, 2019
Friction in inertial granular flows: competition between dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates
RC Hurley, JE Andrade
Granular Matter 17 (3), 287-295, 2015
Dynamic Inter-Particle Force Inference in Granular Materials: Method and Application
RC Hurley, KW Lim, G Ravichandran, JE Andrade
Experimental Mechanics 56 (2), 217-229, 2016
Multi-scale mechanics of granular solids from grain-resolved X-ray measurements
RC Hurley, SA Hall, J Wright
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
Characterization of the crystal structure, kinematics, stresses and rotations in angular granular quartz during compaction
RC Hurley, EB Herbold, DC Pagan
Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 (4), 1021-1034, 2018
A constitutive model for brittle granular materials considering the competition between breakage and dilation
MB Cil, RC Hurley, L Graham-Brady
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (1), 04019110, 2020
An in-situ study of stress evolution and fracture growth during compression of concrete
RC Hurley, DC Pagan
International Journal of Solids and Structures 168, 26-40, 2019
Force chains as the link between particle and bulk friction angles in granular material
AM Booth, R Hurley, MP Lamb, JE Andrade
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (24), 8862-8869, 2014
Failures in sand in reduced gravity environments
JP Marshall, RC Hurley, D Arthur, I Vlahinic, C Senatore, K Iagnemma, ...
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 113, 1-12, 2018
A rate‐dependent constitutive model for brittle granular materials based on breakage mechanics
MB Cil, RC Hurley, L Graham‐Brady
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2019
Linking initial microstructure and local response during quasistatic granular compaction
RC Hurley, J Lind, DC Pagan, MA Homel, MC Akin, EB Herbold
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012905, 2017
Continuum modeling of rate-dependent granular flows in SPH
RC Hurley, JE Andrade
Computational Particle Mechanics 4 (1), 119--130, 2017
On mesoscale modeling of concrete: Role of heterogeneities on local stresses, strains, and representative volume element
MM Thakur, NA Henningsson, J Engqvist, PO Autran, JP Wright, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 163, 107031, 2023
The influence of packing structure and interparticle forces on ultrasound transmission in granular media
C Zhai, EB Herbold, RC Hurley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (28), 16234-16242, 2020
In Situ X-ray Tomography and 3D X-ray Diffraction Measurements of Cemented Granular Materials
C Zhai, DC Pagan, RC Hurley
JOM 72, 18-27, 2020
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