Om-Hashem Mohamed Ibrahim El-Banna
Om-Hashem Mohamed Ibrahim El-Banna
Prof. Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University
在 agr.cu.edu.eg 的电子邮件经过验证
Detection of phytoplasma in tomato and pepper plants by electron microscopy and molecular biology based methods
OHM El-Banna, MS Mikhail, AG Farag, AMS Mohammed
Egyptian Journal of Virology 4, 93-111, 2007
First Record of Phytoplasm Associated with Faba Bean (Vicia FabaL.) Witches- broom in Egypt .
AH Hamed, AK Al Attar, Om-Hashem M. EL-Banna
International Journal of Virology. http://scialert.net/onlinefirst.php?issn …, 2013
Phytoplasma associated with mango malformation disease in Egypt.
OHM El-Banna, SH El-Deeb
Molecular and electron microscope evidence for an association of phytoplasma with citrus witches broom disease
OHM El-Banna, NI Toima, SA Youssef, A Shalaby
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 6 (6), 127-133, 2015
Molecular characterization of alfalfa mosaic virus and its effect on basil (Ocimum basilicum) tissues in Egypt
AK El-Attar, SA Mokbel, OHM El-Banna
Journal of Virological Sciences 5, 97-113, 2019
Isolation and Identification of Tobacco Rattle Tobravirus affecting onion (Allium cepa L.) in Egypt.
AH Hamed, El-Banna Om-Hashem M., GG A.M., H El-Nagaar, MS Shafie
International Journal of Virology 8 (1), 39-49, 2012
Serological, molecular and ultrastructural studies on tobacco rattle virus-infected potato plants in Egypt
HF El-Kammar, OM El-Banna, AH Hamed, MS Abbas, AK El-Attar
Journal of Plant Pathology, 15-24, 2016
Biological products to control grapevine die back pathogen.
OHM El-Banna, WM Haggag, NA Al-Ansary
Molecular and biological characterization of squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) affecting common beans in Egypt
AA Farrag, AK El-Attar, OHM El-Banna, I Al, HM Mazyad
Egyptian Journal of virology 11 (2), 14-27, 2014
Anatomical and ultrastructural changes in tomato and grapevine leaf tissues infected with Tomato ringspot virus
OHM El-Banna, MAE Awad, MS Abbas, HMA Waziri, HSA Darwish
Egyptian J. Virol 11 (2), 102-111, 2014
Molecular and Electron Microscope Evidence for an Association of Phytoplasma with Sesame Phyllody in Egypt.
Om-Hashem M.M.EL-Banna, MS Mikhail, AK El-Attar, AAR Aljamali
Egypt.J.Phytopathol., 41 (2), 1-14, 2013
First record of phytoplasma associated with malformed mango inflorescences in Egypt.
OHM El-Banna, SH El-Deeb
Biological, cytopathological and molecular studies of Potato virus Y isolated from pepper grown under greenhouse conditions in Egypt
OH El Banna, A Hassan, AH Hamed
IJ Sci. & Eng. Res 6 (10), 1281-1289, 2015
Detection and control of rose phytoplasma phyllody disease
M Mikhail, OH El-Banna, E Khalifa, A Mohammed
Egyptian Journal of Phytopathology 40 (1), 87-100, 2012
Comparison of two Egyptian isolates of Spiroplasma citri by crossed immunoelectrophoresis and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of cell proteins.
F Ayman, Kamaruzaman Sijam, S Ionon, H Habibuddin, ...
Pl. Pathol. J. 5 (1), 88-91, 2006
Studies on Grapevine fanleaf virus and Tomato Ring spot virus on grapevine in Egypt
HSA Darwish, ESA Salama, OHM El-Banna, MAN Awad
M. Sc. Thesis, Fac. Agric. Cairo Univ., Egypt, 2005
A new disease of strawberry in Egypt caused by Spiroplasma citri.
El-Banna Om Hashem M., KA Abada, MA Mostafa
9th Cong. Egypt. Phytopathol. Soc.,, 1-17, 2000
Pseudomonas lindbergii and Coniothyrium minitans as biocontrol agents effective against some soil fungi pathogenic to peanut.
KK Sabet, El-Banna Om- Hashem M., MA Mostafa, EL- Sherif Ibtisam M.
Agric. res. Rev. 38, 12-22, 1991
Biological and Molecular Characterization o different Egyptian isolates of Spiroplasmacitri
AMSGMH Om-Hashem M.EL-Banna,Ahmed A Kedr ,MayadaA Haj Ali
Plant Archives 20 (2), 6457-6469, 2020
Biological and serological studies on Pea seed–borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) on cowpea forage crop (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp)
M Kararah, M Om-Hashem, S El-Banna, N Zein, A Abd-Elrehiem
Egyptian Journal of Virology 11 (2), 288-310, 2014
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