Fernando Guerrieri
Fernando Guerrieri
Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte - IRBI , CNRS - Université François Rabelais
在 univ-tours.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Perceptual and neural olfactory similarity in honeybees
F Guerrieri, M Schubert, JC Sandoz, M Giurfa
PLoS biology 3 (4), e60, 2005
Ants recognize foes and not friends
FJ Guerrieri, V Nehring, CG Jørgensen, J Nielsen, CG Galizia, P d'Ettorre
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1666), 2461-2468, 2009
Associative learning in ants: conditioning of the maxilla-labium extension response in Camponotus aethiops
FJ Guerrieri, P d’Ettorre
Journal of insect physiology 56 (1), 88-92, 2010
The mandible opening response: quantifying aggression elicited by chemical cues in ants
FJ Guerrieri, P d'Ettorre
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (7), 1109-1113, 2008
Olfactory blocking and odorant similarity in the honeybee
F Guerrieri, H Lachnit, B Gerber, M Giurfa
Learning & Memory 12 (2), 86-95, 2005
Learning and perceptual similarity among cuticular hydrocarbons in ants
N Bos, S Dreier, CG Jørgensen, J Nielsen, FJ Guerrieri, P d’Ettorre
Journal of insect physiology 58 (1), 138-146, 2012
Different functions of two alarm substances in the honeybee
N Balderrama, J Núñez, F Guerrieri, M Giurfa
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 188, 485-491, 2002
Experience-dependent modulation of antennal sensitivity and input to antennal lobes in male moths (Spodoptera littoralis) pre-exposed to sex pheromone
F Guerrieri, C Gemeno, C Monsempes, S Anton, E Jacquin-Joly, P Lucas, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 215 (13), 2334-2341, 2012
Significance of chemical recognition cues is context dependent in ants
N Bos, FJ Guerrieri, P d’Ettorre
Animal Behaviour 80 (5), 839-844, 2010
Rapid decision-making with side-specific perceptual discrimination in ants
N Stroeymeyt, FJ Guerrieri, JS van Zweden, P d'Ettorre
PLoS One 5 (8), e12377, 2010
Learning in mosquito larvae (Aedes aegypti): habituation to a visual danger signal
H Baglan, C Lazzari, F Guerrieri
Journal of insect physiology 98, 160-166, 2017
Long-term olfactory memories are stabilised via protein synthesis in Camponotus fellah ants
FJ Guerrieri, P d'Ettorre, JM Devaud, M Giurfa
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (19), 3300-3304, 2011
Glyphosate impairs learning in Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae at field-realistic doses
H Baglan, CR Lazzari, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (20), jeb187518, 2018
Ants discriminate between different hydrocarbon concentrations
G Di Mauro, M Perez, MC Lorenzi, FJ Guerrieri, JG Millar, P d'Ettorre
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3, 133, 2015
Chemical structure of odorants and perceptual similarity in ants
N Bos, P d'Ettorre, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (17), 3314-3320, 2013
Honeybees generalize among pollen scents from plants flowering in the same seasonal period
AL Pietrantuono, F Requier, V Fernández-Arhex, J Winter, G Huerta, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 222 (21), jeb201335, 2019
Habituation in Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae is context specific
AL Pietrantuono, MB Aguirre, OA Bruzzone, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Experimental Biology 224 (12), jeb242351, 2021
Assessing learning in mosquito larvae using video-tracking
M Dessart, M Piñeirúa, CR Lazzari, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Insect Physiology 149, 104535, 2023
Habituation leads to short but not long term memory formation in mosquito larvae
M Dessart, CR Lazzari, FJ Guerrieri
Journal of Insect Physiology 155, 104650, 2024
Habituation in mosquito larvae Aedes aegypti is context-specific
AL Pietrantuono, MB Aguirre Urreta, OA Bruzzone, FJ Guerrieri
Company of Biologists, 2021
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