Agriculture in West Africa in the twenty-first century: climate change and impacts scenarios, and potential for adaptation B Sultan, M Gaetani Frontiers in plant science 7, 1262, 2016 | 367 | 2016 |
The past, present and future of African dust AT Evan, C Flamant, M Gaetani, F Guichard Nature 531 (7595), 493-495, 2016 | 226 | 2016 |
Variability and predictability of West African droughts: a review on the role of sea surface temperature anomalies B Rodríguez-Fonseca, E Mohino, CR Mechoso, C Caminade, M Biasutti, ... Journal of Climate 28 (10), 4034-4060, 2015 | 190 | 2015 |
The Greening of the Sahara: Past Changes and Future Implications FSR Pausata, M Gaetani, G Messori, A Berg, DM de Souza, RF Sage, ... One Earth 2 (3), 235-250, 2020 | 166* | 2020 |
A meteorological and chemical overview of the DACCIWA field campaign in West Africa in June–July 2016 P Knippertz, AH Fink, A Deroubaix, E Morris, F Tocquer, MJ Evans, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (17), 10893-10918, 2017 | 90 | 2017 |
The near future availability of photovoltaic energy in Europe and Africa in climate-aerosol modeling experiments M Gaetani, T Huld, E Vignati, F Monforti-Ferrario, A Dosio, F Raes Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 38, 706-716, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Decadal prediction of the Sahelian precipitation in CMIP5 simulations M Gaetani, E Mohino Journal of Climate 26 (19), 7708-7719, 2013 | 86 | 2013 |
Recent changes in precipitation, ITCZ convection and northern tropical circulation over North Africa (1979-2007) B Fontaine, P Roucou, M Gaetani, R Marteau International Journal of Climatology 31, 633-648, DOI: 10.1002/joc. 2108, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
West African monsoon dynamics and precipitation: the competition between global SST warming and CO2 increase in CMIP5 idealized simulations M Gaetani, C Flamant, S Bastin, S Janicot, C Lavaysse, F Hourdin, ... Climate Dynamics 48 (3-4), 1353-1373, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Influence of the Mediterranean Sea on the West African monsoon: Intraseasonal variability in numerical simulations M Gaetani, B Fontaine, P Roucou, M Baldi Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 115, D24115, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
Recent climatological trend of the Saharan heat low and its impact on the West African climate C Lavaysse, C Flamant, A Evan, S Janicot, M Gaetani Climate Dynamics 47, 3479-3498, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
The Aerosols, Radiation and Clouds in Southern Africa Field Campaign in Namibia: Overview, Illustrative Observations, and Way Forward. P Formenti, B d'Anna, C Flamant, M Mallet, SJ Piketh, K Schepanski, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (7), 2019 | 58 | 2019 |
On cold spells in North America and storminess in western Europe G Messori, R Caballero, M Gaetani Geophysical Research Letters 43 (12), 6620-6628, 2016 | 54 | 2016 |
How synchronous is wind energy production among European countries? F Monforti, M Gaetani, E Vignati Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 59, 1622-1638, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
West African Monsoon influence on the summer Euro‐Atlantic circulation M Gaetani, B Pohl, H Douville, B Fontaine Geophysical Research Letters 38 (9), L09705, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |
Understanding the mechanisms behind the northward extension of the West African Monsoon during the Mid-Holocene M Gaetani, G Messori, Q Zhang, C Flamant, FSR Pausata Journal of Climate 30 (19), 7621-7642, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Robust assessment of the time of emergence of precipitation change in West Africa M Gaetani, S Janicot, M Vrac, AM Famien, B Sultan Scientific Reports 10 (1), 7670, 2020 | 44 | 2020 |
Reconstructing the South Pacific convergence zone position during the presatellite era: a La Niña case study A Lorrey, G Dalu, J Renwick, H Diamond, M Gaetani Monthly Weather Review 140 (11), 3653-3668, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
Past and Current Climate Changes in the Mediterranean Region U Ulbrich, E Xoplaki, S Dobricic, R García-Herrera, P Lionello, M Adani, ... Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean, 9-51, 2013 | 36 | 2013 |
Time evolution of observed July–September sea surface temperature‐Sahel climate teleconnection with removed quasi‐global effect (1900–2008) B Fontaine, M Gaetani, A Ullmann, P Roucou Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116, D04105, 2011 | 35 | 2011 |