Vincent Robin
Vincent Robin
Institut Pprime (UPR 3346) CNRS - ENSMA - Universit?é de Poitiers
在 ensma.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Experimental and numerical analysis of stratified turbulent V-shaped flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, O Degardin, B Renou, M Boukhalfa
Combustion and flame 153 (1), 288-315, 2008
Modeling of scalar dissipation in partially premixed turbulent flames
A Mura, V Robin, M Champion
Combustion and flame 149 (1), 217-224, 2007
A multi-Dirac presumed PDF model for turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, P Plion
Combustion science and technology 178 (10-11), 1843-1870, 2006
Direct and indirect thermal expansion effects in turbulent premixed flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 689, 149-182, 2011
Small scale features of velocity and scalar fields in turbulent premixed flames
A Mura, V Robin, M Champion, T Hasegawa
Flow, turbulence and combustion 82 (3), 339-358, 2009
Influence of residence and scalar mixing time scales in non-premixed combustion in supersonic turbulent flows
L Gomet, V Robin, A Mura
Combustion Science and Technology 184 (10-11), 1471-1501, 2012
Lagrangian modelling of turbulent spray combustion under liquid rocket engine conditions
L Gomet, V Robin, A Mura
Acta Astronautica 94 (1), 184-197, 2014
Modeling the effects of thermal expansion on scalar turbulent fluxes in turbulent premixed flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, T Hasegawa
Combustion Science and Technology 182 (4-6), 449-464, 2010
Implications of laminar flame finite thickness on the structure of turbulent premixed flames
QN Kim, V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 787, 116-147, 2016
A multiple-inlet mixture fraction model for nonpremixed combustion
L Gomet, V Robin, A Mura
Combustion and Flame 162 (3), 668-687, 2015
Analysis of algebraic closures of the mean scalar dissipation rate of the progress variable applied to stagnating turbulent flames
HQ Dong, V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Flow, turbulence and combustion 90 (2), 301-323, 2013
Algebraic models for turbulent transports in premixed flames
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Combustion Science and Technology 184 (10-11), 1718-1742, 2012
A second-order model for turbulent reactive flows with variable equivalence ratio
V Robin, M Champion, A Mura
Combustion Science and Technology 180 (10-11), 1709-1734, 2008
A new analysis of the modeling of pressure fluctuations effects in premixed turbulent flames and its validation based on DNS data
V Robin, A Mura, M Champion, T Hasegawa
Combustion Science and Technology 180 (5), 997-1010, 2008
Contribution à la modélisation des écoulements turbulents réactifs partiellement pré-mélangés
V Robin
ISAE-ENSMA Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechique-Poitiers, 2007
Joint Numerical and Experimental Characterization of the turbulent reactive flow within a Constant Volume Vessel
Q Michalski, K Kha, B Boust, V Robin, M Bellenoue, A Mura
2018 Joint Propulsion Conference, 4964, 2018
Density variations effects in turbulent diffusion flames: modeling of unresolved fluxes
S Serra, V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Combustion Science and Technology 186 (10-11), 1370-1391, 2014
Relevance of two basic turbulent premixed combustion models for the numerical simulations of V-shaped flames
KQN Kha, C Losier, V Robin, A Mura, M Champion
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (11-12), 1878-1903, 2016
A layered description of a premixed flame stabilized in stagnating turbulence
A Mura, V Robin, KQN Kha, M Champion
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (9), 1592-1618, 2016
Turbulent combustion modeling of mixtures with inhomogeneous equivalence ratio. Application to aflame stabilized by the sudden expansion of a 2-D channel
V Robin, N Guilbert, A Mura, M Champion
COMPTES RENDUS MECANIQUE 338 (1), 40-47, 2010
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