Vitaliy Mezhuyev
Vitaliy Mezhuyev
FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Austria
在 fh-joanneum.at 的电子邮件经过验证
Technology Acceptance Model in M-learning context: A systematic review
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
Computers & Education 125, 389-412, 2018
The impact of knowledge management processes on information systems: A systematic review
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin, K Shaalan
International Journal of Information Management 43, 173-187, 2018
Towards a conceptual model for examining the impact of knowledge management factors on mobile learning acceptance
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
Technology in Society 61, 101247, 2020
PLS-SEM in information systems research: a comprehensive methodological reference
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2019
Students’ perceptions towards the integration of knowledge management processes in M-learning systems: A preliminary study
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
International Journal of Engineering Education 34 (2), 371-380, 2018
Development of M-learning application based on knowledge management processes
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin, M ALSinani
Proceedings of the 2018 7th international conference on software and …, 2018
Students and Educators Attitudes towards the use of M-Learning: Gender and Smartphone ownership Differences
M Al-Emran, Y Alkhoudary, V Mezhuyev, M Al-Emran
International Association of Online Engineering, 2019
Selective mode excitation techniques for mode-division multiplexing: A critical review
Y Fazea, V Mezhuyev
Optical Fiber Technology 45, 280-288, 2018
Examining the effect of knowledge management factors on mobile learning adoption through the use of importance-performance map analysis (IPMA)
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev
International conference on advanced intelligent systems and informatics …, 2019
Evaluating the impact of knowledge management factors on M-learning adoption: A deep learning-based hybrid SEM-ANN approach
M Al-Emran, GA Abbasi, V Mezhuyev
Recent advances in technology acceptance models and theories, 159-172, 2021
Formal development of a network-centric RTOS: software engineering for reliable embedded systems
E Verhulst, RT Boute, JMS Faria, BHC Sputh, V Mezhuyev
Formal development of a network-centric RTOS: software engineering for …, 2011
An innovative approach of applying knowledge management in M-learning application development: A pilot study
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education …, 2019
Technology enhancement learning reflection on improving students’ satisfaction in Omani universities
RM Tawafak, MN Mohammed, RBA Arshah, M Shakir, V Mezhuyev
Advanced Science Letters 24 (10), 7751-7757, 2018
Factors affecting the metamodelling acceptance: a case study from software development companies in Malaysia
V Mezhuyev, M Al-Emran, M Fatehah, NC Hong
Ieee Access 6, 49476-49485, 2018
Is M-learning acceptance influenced by knowledge acquisition and knowledge sharing in developing countries?
M Al-Emran, V Mezhuyev, A Kamaludin
Education and Information Technologies 26, 2585-2606, 2021
Improved TLBO‐JAYA algorithm for subset feature selection and parameter optimisation in intrusion detection system
M Aljanabi, MA Ismail, V Mezhuyev
Complexity 2020 (1), 5287684, 2020
The acceptance of search-based software engineering techniques: An empirical evaluation using the technology acceptance model
V Mezhuyev, M Al-Emran, MA Ismail, L Benedicenti, DAP Chandran
IEEE Access 7, 101073-101085, 2019
An industrial case: Pitfalls and benefits of applying formal methods to the development of a network-centric rtos
E Verhulst, G de Jong, V Mezhuyev
FM 2008: Formal Methods: 15th International Symposium on Formal Methods …, 2008
Development of the CAD system for designing non-standard constructions from elastomers
JP Vladimir Lavrik, José Italo Cortez, Vitaliy Mezhuyev, Liliana Cortez ...
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and …, 2014
Reliable decision making of accepting friend request on online social networks
MA Rahman, V Mezhuyev, MZA Bhuiyan, SMN Sadat, SAB Zakaria, ...
IEEE Access 6, 9484-9491, 2018
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