Rachid Benouini
Rachid Benouini
Faculty of Science and Technology Fez
在 usmba.ac.ma 的电子邮件经过验证
Fractional-order orthogonal Chebyshev moments and moment invariants for image representation and pattern recognition
HQ R Benouini, I Batioua, K Zenkouar, A Zahi, S Najah
Pattern Recognition 86, 332-343, 2019
3D image analysis by separable discrete orthogonal moments based on Krawtchouk and Tchebichef polynomials
I Batioua, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zahi
Pattern Recognition 71, 264-277, 2017
Fast and accurate computation of Racah moment invariants for image classification
R Benouini, I Batioua, K Zenkouar, A Zahi, H El Fadili, H Qjidaa
Pattern Recognition 91, 100-110, 2019
Efficient 3D object classification by using direct Krawtchouk moment invariants
R Benouini, I Batioua, K Zenkouar, S Najah, H Qjidaa
Multimedia tools and applications 77, 27517-27542, 2018
Image analysis using new set of separable two-dimensional discrete orthogonal moments based on Racah polynomials
I Batioua, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, HE Fadili
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2017, 1-17, 2017
New set of Generalized Legendre Moment Invariants for pattern recognition
R Benouini, I Batioua, K Zenkouar, F Mrabti, H El Fadili
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2019
Robust hand gesture recognition system based on a new set of quaternion Tchebichef moment invariants
I Elouariachi, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zarghili
Pattern Analysis and Applications 23 (3), 1337-1353, 2020
Fractional‐order generalized Laguerre moments and moment invariants for grey‐scale image analysis
R Benouini, I Batioua, K Zenkouar, S Najah
IET Image Processing 15 (2), 523-541, 2021
Batioua I Zenkouar K Zahi A Najah S Qjidaa H Fractional-order orthogonal Chebyshev moments and moment invariants for image representation and pattern recognition
R Benouini
Pattern Recogn 86, 332-343, 2019
Fast feature selection algorithm for neighborhood rough set model based on Bucket and Trie structures
R Benouini, I Batioua, S Ezghari, K Zenkouar, A Zahi
Granular Computing 5, 329-347, 2020
Explicit quaternion krawtchouk moment invariants for finger-spelling sign language recognition
I Elouariachi, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zarghili, H El Fadili
2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 620-624, 2020
Image classification using separable invariants moments based on Racah polynomials
I Batioua, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zahi
Procedia Computer Science 127, 320-327, 2018
RGB-D feature extraction method for hand gesture recognition based on a new fast and accurate multi-channel cartesian Jacobi moment invariants
I El Ouariachi, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zarghili, H El Fadili
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (9), 12725-12757, 2022
Explicit separable two dimensional moment invariants for object recognition
R Benouini, I Batioua, I Elouariachi, K Zenkouar, A Zarghili
Procedia computer science 148, 409-417, 2019
Sign language recognition with quaternion moment invariants: a comparative study
I El Ouariachi, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, A Zarghili, H El Fadili
Networking, Intelligent Systems and Security: Proceedings of NISS 2021, 737-748, 2022
Image recognition using new set of separable three-dimensional discrete orthogonal moment invariants
I Batioua, R Benouini, K Zenkouar
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-29, 2020
3D Image representation using separable discrete orthogonal moments
I Batioua, R Benouini, K Zenkouar, S Najah, H El Fadili, H Qjidaa
Procedia computer science 148, 389-398, 2019
Visually-Rich Document Understanding: Concepts, Taxonomy and Challenges
A Sassioui, R Benouini, Y El Ouargui, M El Kamili, M Chergui, M Ouzzif
2023 10th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile …, 2023
Gray level image compression using a set of separable 2D discrete orthogonal moments based on Racah polynomials
B Imad, B Rachid, Z Khalid, Q Hassan
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision …, 2018
Efficient image classification by using improved dual Hahn moment invariants
R Benouini, I Batioua, Z Bahaoui, K Zenkouar, H Qjidaa
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision …, 2018
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