Preliminary Research: Description of Lip Print Patterns in Children and Their Parents among Deutero‐Malay Population in Indonesia S Loganadan, M Dardjan, N Murniati, F Oscandar, Y Malinda, D Zakiawati International journal of dentistry 2019 (1), 7629146, 2019 | 31 | 2019 |
Chemical composition of Citrus spp. and oral antimicrobial effect of Citrus spp. peels essential oils against Streptococcus mutans D Aripin, E Julaeha, M Dardjan, A Cahyanto Dent 27 (10.24198), 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Human age estimation based on pulp volume of canines for chronological age estimation: Preliminary research SR Hidayat, F Oscandar, Y Malinda, IS Sasmita, M Dardjan, N Murniati, ... Padjadjaran j dent 30 (3), 184, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Determination of ovulation in women using saliva ferning test RM Ersyari, R Wihardja, M Dardjan Padjadjaran J Dent 26 (3), 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Wrinkle lip pattern in smokers and non-smokers for identification in forensic dentistry TM Harquad, M Dardjan, IS Hardjadinata Padjadjaran J Dent 26 (1), 87-90, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
A retrospective institutional study of human age determination by evaluating the pulp length and width ratio of the maxillary lateral incisor on panoramic radiographs in … VR Herianti, F Oscandar, M Dardjan Imaging Science in Dentistry 51 (4), 421, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
The effect of apple (Malus domestica) juice on the damage of mice liver cells due to paracetamol treatment A Hartanto, M Darjan, S Kintawati Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry 21 (2), 104-108, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
The Difference of Salivary Volume Before and After Consuming Probiotic Beverage. A Fransiska, ER Haroen, M Dardjan Malaysian Journal of Medicine & Health Sciences 15, 2019 | | 2019 |
Identifikasi Jenis Kelamin Berdasarkan Teraan Gigitan dengan Metode LBP dan Klasifikasi LVQ MF Ishak, R Purnamasari, M Dardjan SinarFe7 2 (1), 155-159, 2019 | | 2019 |
Identifikasi Individu Berdasarkan Pola Sidik Bibir Dengan Metode Multi-level Gradient Vector Dan Klasifikasi K-nearest Neighbor (k-nn) Untuk Aplikasi Bidang Forensik Biometrik S Amalia, R Purnamasari, M Dardjan eProceedings of Engineering 6 (2), 2019 | | 2019 |
Research Article Preliminary Research: Description of Lip Print Patterns in Children and Their Parents among Deutero-Malay Population in Indonesia S Loganadan, M Dardjan, N Murniati, F Oscandar, Y Malinda, D Zakiawati | | 2019 |
The preliminary research of intercanine distance between humans and dogs by bite mark analysis LEED YEONG | | 2018 |
Research Article Expression of Pcna in Salivary Gland Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma and Its Correlation with Clinicopathological Parameters S Kintawati, M Darjan, W Yohana, E Rachmawati | | 2018 |
Microscopic appearance of healthy teeth, burned-tooth and automobile battery solution soaked tooth for the importance of visum in forensic dentistry R Rozano, M Dardjan, F Oscandar | | |
Enamel print pattern in Deutero-Malay sub race based on extracted female permanent maxillary central incisors TK Huat, M Dardjan, W Yohana | | |
Manajemen instalasi forensik di rumah sakit dan klinik POLRI sebagai acuan pembentukan instalasi forensik kedokteran gigi FW Munandar, F Oscandar, Y Malinda, M Dardjan | | |
Immunoexpression of cytokeratin 19 in oral swab from fixed orthodontic appliance users DM Ramdhini, MD Sunardhi Widyaputra | | |
Immunoexpression of cytokeratin 19 in oral cavity mucous smear of filter cigarette smokers I Meira, S Widyaputra, M Dardjan | | |
Prevalence of oral cancer patients at the Pathology Anatomy Department RSUD Tasikmalaya year 2002-2007 M Darjan | | |