Harry Heorton
Harry Heorton
Lecturer UCL
在 ucl.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
A year-round satellite sea-ice thickness record from CryoSat-2
JC Landy, GJ Dawson, M Tsamados, M Bushuk, JC Stroeve, SEL Howell, ...
Nature 609 (7927), 517-522, 2022
Summer extreme cyclone impacts on Arctic sea ice
JV Lukovich, JC Stroeve, A Crawford, L Hamilton, M Tsamados, ...
Journal of Climate 34 (12), 4817-4834, 2021
A 10-year record of Arctic summer sea ice freeboard from CryoSat-2
G Dawson, J Landy, M Tsamados, AS Komarov, S Howell, H Heorton, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 268, 112744, 2022
Phased response of the subpolar Southern Ocean to changes in circumpolar winds
AC Naveira Garabato, TS Dotto, J Hooley, S Bacon, M Tsamados, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (11), 6024-6033, 2019
Stress and deformation characteristics of sea ice in a high-resolution, anisotropic sea ice model
HDBS Heorton, DL Feltham, M Tsamados
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2018
Study of the impact of ice formation in leads upon the sea ice pack mass balance using a new frazil and grease ice parameterization
AV Wilchinsky, HDBS Heorton, DL Feltham, PR Holland
Journal of Physical Oceanography 45 (8), 2025-2047, 2015
Retrieving sea ice drag coefficients and turning angles from in situ and satellite observations using an inverse modeling framework
HDBS Heorton, M Tsamados, ST Cole, AMG Ferreira, A Berbellini, M Fox, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (8), 6388-6413, 2019
The response of the sea ice edge to atmospheric and oceanic jet formation
HDBS Heorton, DL Feltham, JCR Hunt
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (9), 2292-2316, 2014
Recent state transition of the Arctic Ocean’s Beaufort Gyre
P Lin, RS Pickart, H Heorton, M Tsamados, M Itoh, T Kikuchi
Nature Geoscience 16 (6), 485-491, 2023
A model of sea ice formation in leads and polynyas
HDBS Heorton, N Radia, DL Feltham
Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (7), 1701-1718, 2017
Record winter winds in 2020/21 drove exceptional Arctic sea ice transport
RDC Mallett, JC Stroeve, SB Cornish, AD Crawford, JV Lukovich, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 2 (1), 149, 2021
Safer operations in changing ice-covered seas: approaches and perspectives
Y Aksenov, S Rynders, DL Feltham, L Hosekova, R Marsh, N Skliris, ...
IUTAM Symposium on Physics and Mechanics of Sea Ice: Proceedings of the …, 2022
Sea ice formation in a coupled climate model including grease ice
S Mackie, PJ Langhorne, HDBS Heorton, IJ Smith, DL Feltham, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (8), e2020MS002103, 2020
Jet formation at the sea ice edge
HDB Heorton
UCL (University College London), 2013
Cryosat-2 significant wave height in polar oceans derived using a semi-analytical model of synthetic aperture radar 2011–2019
H Heorton, M Tsamados, T Armitage, A Ridout, J Landy
Remote Sensing 13 (20), 4166, 2021
New State of the Arctic Ocean’s Beaufort Gyre
P Lin, R Pickart, H Heorton, M Tsamados, M Itoh, T Kikuchi
Observed winter Arctic sea ice volume budget decomposition over the Cryosat-2 period
M Tsamados, P Holland, O Racher, H Heorton, N Kimura, DL Feltham, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, C021-0010, 2020
Modelling the deformation and force balance of anisotropic Arctic Sea Ice
H Heorton, D Feltham, M Tsamados, D Schroeder
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-4399, 2016
Sea Ice-thickness product iNter-comparison eXerciSe–The ESA SIN'XS project
E Da Silva, C Haas, S Fleury, M Tsamados, E Munesa, M Bertin, ...
2022 Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting, 250, 2022
Inverse modelling techniques for snow and ice thickness retrievals from satellite altimetry
J Perez Ferrer, M Tsamados, M Fox, T Suciu, H Heorton, C Nab
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-12882, 2022
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