Barbara Belfi
Barbara Belfi
Educational researcher, Maastricht University
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The effect of class composition by gender and ability on secondary school students’ school well-being and academic self-concept: A literature review
B Belfi, M Goos, B De Fraine, J Van Damme
Educational research review 7 (1), 62-74, 2012
School-based social capital: The missing link between schools' socioeconomic composition and collective teacher efficacy
B Belfi, S Gielen, B De Fraine, K Verschueren, C Meredith
Teaching and Teacher Education 45, 33-44, 2015
Inequality in language achievement growth? An investigation into the impact of pupil socio‐ethnic background and school socio‐ethnic composition
B Belfi, M Goos, M Pinxten, JP Verhaeghe, S Gielen, B De Fraine, ...
British Educational Research Journal 40 (5), 820-846, 2014
The long‐term differential achievement effects of school socioeconomic composition in primary education: A propensity score matching approach
B Belfi, C Haelermans, B De Fraine
British Journal of Educational Psychology 86 (4), 501-525, 2016
Early career trajectories of first-and second-generation migrant graduates of professional university
B Belfi, J Allen, B Jacobs, M Levels, K van Oosterhout
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48 (10), 2415-2435, 2022
Is there a rise in the importance of socioemotional skills in the labor market? Evidence from a trend study among college graduates
J Allen, B Belfi, L Borghans
Frontiers in psychology 11, 509097, 2020
Effecten van zittenblijven in het basis-en secundair onderwijs in kaart gebracht: Een systematische literatuurstudie
M Goos, B Belfi, B De Fraine, J Van Damme, P Onghena, K Petry
Pedagogische Studiën 90 (5), 17-30, 2013
Creative idea forecasting: The effect of task exposure on idea evaluation.
K van Broekhoven, B Belfi, L Borghans, P Seegers
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 16 (3), 519, 2022
Educational expansion in the Netherlands: better chances for all?
J Allen, B Belfi
Oxford Review of Education 46 (1), 44-62, 2020
De klas: homogene of heterogene samenstelling?
B Belfi, B De Fraine, J Van Damme
Acco; Leuven, 2010
Levenslang leren en competentieontwikkeling
A de Grip, B Belfi, D Fouarge, A Künn, T Peeters, D Poulissen
ROA Report, 2018
'Het beste uit studenten': onderzoek naar de werking van het Sirius Programma om excellentie in het hoger onderwijs te bevorderen
J Allen, B Belfi, R van der Velden, BWA Jongbloed, R Kolster, ...
Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociologie, 2015
Het beste uit studenten
JP Allen, BE Belfi, RKW van der Velden, B Jongbloed, R Kolster, ...
De jongens tegen de meisjes: een onderzoek naar verklaringen voor verschillen in studiesucces van jongens en meisjes in mbo, hbo en wo
B Belfi, M de Hoon, J Jolles, F Kaiser, J Keizer, R Kolster, M Levels, ...
Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt (ROA), 2015
Effectiveness of grade retention in primary and secondary education: A systematic review
M Goos, B Belfi, B De Fraine, J Van Damme, P Onghena, K Petry
Pedagogische Studien 90 (5), 17-30, 2013
Instructing children to construct ideas into products alters children’s creative idea selection in a randomized field experiment
K van Broekhoven, B Belfi, L Borghans
Plos one 17 (8), e0271621, 2022
Fostering university students’ idea generation and idea evaluation skills with a cognitive-based creativity training
K van Broekhoven, B Belfi, I Hocking, R van der Velden
Creativity. Theories–Research-Applications 7 (2), 284-308, 2020
Het vierde leerjaar lager onderwijs in Vlaanderen: Resultaten van TIMSS 2011 in internationaal perspectief en in vergelijking met TIMSS 2003 [The 4th grade of primary education …
S Gielen, K Bellens, B Belfi, J Van Damme
Leuven, Belgium: Centre for Educational Effectiveness and Evaluation, 2012
Bieke De Fraine, and Jan Van Damme. 2012.“The effect of class composition by gender and ability on secondary school students’ school well-being and academic self-concept: A …
B Belfi, M Goos
Educational Research Review 7 (1), 62-74, 0
Levenslang leren en competentieontwikkeling: Beleidsrapport
A de Grip, B Belfi, D Fouarge, A Künn, T Peeters, D Poulissen
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