Alexander Sterkin
Alexander Sterkin
在 weizmann.ac.il 的电子邮件经过验证
Dynamics of ongoing activity: explanation of the large variability in evoked cortical responses
A Arieli, A Sterkin, A Grinvald, AD Aertsen
Science 273 (5283), 1868-1871, 1996
Symmetry operation measures
M Pinsky, D Casanova, P Alemany, S Alvarez, D Avnir, C Dryzun, Z Kizner, ...
Journal of computational chemistry 29 (2), 190-197, 2008
Investigation of droplet size distributions and drizzle formation using a new trajectory ensemble model. Part I: Model description and first results in a nonmixing limit
M Pinsky, L Magaritz, A Khain, O Krasnov, A Sterkin
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 65 (7), 2064-2086, 2008
Real time optical imaging in cat visual cortex exhibits high similarity to intracellular activity
A Sterkin, I Lampl, D Ferster, A Grinvald, A Arieli
Neurosci Lett 51, S41, 1998
Effects of atmospheric aerosol on precipitation in cumulus clouds as seen from 2000-bin cloud parcel microphysical model: sensitivity study with cloud seeding applications
Y Segal, A Khain, M Pinsky, A Sterkin
QJR Meteorol. Soc 130, 561-582, 2004
Application of a simple adaptive estimator for an atmospheric Doppler radar
M Pinsky, JF i Ventura, T Otto, A Sterkin, A Khain, HWJ Russchenberg
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 49 (1), 115-127, 2010
Response similarity as a basis for perceptual binding
A Sterkin, A Sterkin, U Polat
Journal of vision 8 (7), 17-17, 2008
Sensitivity of raindrop formation in ascending cloud parcels to cloud condensation nuclei and thermodynamic conditions
Y Segal, A Khain, M Pinsky, A Sterkin
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2004
Detecting birds and estimating their velocity vectors by means of MRL-5 meteorological radar
L Dinevich, Y Leshem, M Pinsky, A Sterkin
The Ring 26 (2), 35-53, 2004
Simulation of droplet size distributions and drizzle formation using a new trajectory ensemble model of cloud topped boundary layer. Part 1: model description and first results …
M Pinsky, AP Khain, L Magaritz, A Sterkin
J. Atmos. Sci 65, 2064-2086, 2008
A novel trajectory ensemble model of stratiform cloud and its possible applications
M Pinsky, A Khain, L Magaritz, N BenMoshe, A Sterkin, O Krasnov, ...
Preprints, 12th Conf. on Cloud Physics and Precipitation, Madison, WI, Amer …, 2006
Spatio-temporal neuronal interactions as a basis for perceptual binding
A Sterkin, A Sterkin, U Polat
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 590-590, 2008
Effects of turbulent structure of the boundary layer on the formation of drizzle from warm stratiform clouds
L Magaritz, N Benmoshe, M Pinsky, AP Khain, A Sterkin
12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 2006
Estimation of doppler spectrum parameters: comparison between fft-based processing and adaptive filtering processing
JF i Ventura, M Pinsky, A Sterkin, A Khain, HWJ Russchenberg
Conferentie, Barcelona, Spanje, 1-4, 2006
Qhamcterization of the spe. tio=-tempomi dynamics of ongoing and evoked cortical
A Sterkin
Weizmann Institute of Science, 2002
ERAD 2006 Proceedings of
JF i Ventura, M Pinsky, A Sterkin, A Khain, HWJ Russchenberg
文章 1–16