Bi Yu CHEN (陈碧宇)
Bi Yu CHEN (陈碧宇)
Professor, Wuhan University
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Map-matching algorithm for large-scale low-frequency floating car data
BY Chen, H Yuan, Q Li, WHK Lam, SL Shaw, K Yan
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (1), 22-38, 2014
Vulnerability analysis for large-scale and congested road networks with demand uncertainty
BY Chen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, Q Li, ZC Li
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 46 (3), 501-516, 2012
Finding reliable shortest paths in road networks under uncertainty
BY Chen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, Q Li, H Shao, Z Fang
Networks and Spatial Economics 13 (2), 123-148, 2013
Reliable shortest path finding in stochastic networks with spatial correlated link travel times
BY Chen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, Z Li
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26 (2), 365-386, 2012
Reliable shortest path problems in stochastic time-dependent networks
BY Chen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, Q Li, ML Tam
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 18 (2), 177-189, 2014
Measuring place-based accessibility under travel time uncertainty
BY Chen, H Yuan, Q Li, D Wang, SL Shaw, HP Chen, WHK Lam
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (4), 783-804, 2017
A Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Travel Time Uncertainty: Trade-Off Between Cost and Customer Service
J Zhang, WHK Lam, BY Chen
Networks and Spatial Economics 13 (4), 471-496, 2013
Reliable space–time prisms under travel time uncertainty
BY Chen, Q Li, D Wang, SL Shaw, WHK Lam, H Yuan, Z Fang
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 103 (6), 1502-1521, 2013
Estimating Real-Time Traffic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Intelligent Transportation System Technologies
X Chang, BY Chen, Q Li, X Cui, L Tang, C Liu
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (1), 469-479, 2013
Spatiotemporal data model for network time geographic analysis in the era of big data
BY Chen, H Yuan, Q Li, SL Shaw, WHK Lam, X Chen
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30 (6), 1041-1071, 2016
Evaluating spatial accessibility to healthcare services under travel time uncertainty: A reliability-based floating catchment area approach
BY Chen, XP Cheng, MP Kwan, T Schwanen
Journal of Transport Geography 87, 102794, 2020
Understanding the impacts of human mobility on accessibility using massive mobile phone tracking data
BY Chen, Y Wang, D Wang, Q Li, WHK Lam, SL Shaw
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (4), 1115-1133, 2018
The spatial characteristics and influencing factors of modal accessibility gaps: A case study for Guangzhou, China
W Yang, BY Chen, X Cao, T Li, P Li
Journal of Transport Geography 60, 21-32, 2017
Shortest Path Finding Problem in Stochastic Time-Dependent Road Networks With Stochastic First-In-First-Out Property
BY Chen, WHK Lam, Q Li, A Sumalee, K Yan
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 14 (4), 1907-1917, 2013
On-time delivery probabilistic models for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands and time windows
J Zhang, WHK Lam, BY Chen
European Journal of Operational Research 249 (1), 144-154, 2016
A bi-level Voronoi diagram-based metaheuristic for a large-scale multi-depot vehicle routing problem
W Tu, Z Fang, Q Li, SL Shaw, BY Chen
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 61, 84-97, 2014
An efficient solution algorithm for solving multi-class reliability-based traffic assignment problem
BY Chen, WHK Lam, A Sumalee, H Shao
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 54 (5-6), 1428-1439, 2011
Finding the k reliable shortest paths under travel time uncertainty
BY Chen, Q Li, WHK Lam
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 94, 189-203, 2016
Measuring temporal variation of location-based accessibility using space-time utility perspective
Y Wang, BY Chen, H Yuan, D Wang, WHK Lam, Q Li
Journal of Transport Geography 73, 13-24, 2018
Understanding travel time uncertainty impacts on the equity of individual accessibility
BY Chen, Y Wang, D Wang, WHK Lam
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 75, 156-169, 2019
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