Kirk Knobelspiesse
Kirk Knobelspiesse
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
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Ocean optics protocols for satellite ocean color sensor validation, revision 3
JL Mueller, GS Fargion
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Space Flight Center, 2002
Polarimetric remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols: Instruments, methodologies, results, and perspectives
O Dubovik, Z Li, MI Mishchenko, D Tanré, Y Karol, B Bojkov, B Cairns, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 224, 474-511, 2019
The plankton, aerosol, cloud, ocean ecosystem mission: Status, science, advances
PJ Werdell, MJ Behrenfeld, PS Bontempi, E Boss, B Cairns, GT Davis, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), 1775-1794, 2019
Polarimetric remote sensing of aerosols over land
F Waquet, B Cairns, K Knobelspiesse, J Chowdhary, LD Travis, B Schmid, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D1), 2009
Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 4. Volume III: Radiometric Measurements and Data Analysis Protocols.
JL Mueller, A Morel, R Frouin, C Davis, R Arnone, K Carder, ZP Lee, ...
Goddard Space Flight Space Center, 2003
Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 3, volumes 1 and 2
J Mueller, JL MuelIer, C Pietras, SB Hooker, DK Clark, AMR Frouin, ...
NASA tech. memo 210004, 2002
Unique data repository facilitates ocean color satellite validation
PJ Werdell, S Bailey, G Fargion, C Pietras, K Knobelspiesse, G Feldman, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 84 (38), 377-387, 2003
An overview of the ORACLES (ObseRvations of Aerosols above CLouds and their intEractionS) project: aerosol-cloud-radiation interactions in the Southeast Atlantic basin
J Redemann, R Wood, P Zuidema, SJ Doherty, B Luna, SE LeBlanc, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2020, 1-82, 2020
Maritime aerosol optical thickness measured by handheld sun photometers
KD Knobelspiesse, C Pietras, GS Fargion, M Wang, R Frouin, MA Miller, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 93 (1-2), 87-106, 2004
Atmospheric correction of satellite ocean-color imagery during the PACE era
RJ Frouin, BA Franz, A Ibrahim, K Knobelspiesse, Z Ahmad, B Cairns, ...
Frontiers in earth science 7, 145, 2019
Study of the Sea‐Viewing Wide Field‐of‐View Sensor (SeaWiFS) aerosol optical property data over ocean in combination with the ocean color products
M Wang, KD Knobelspiesse, CR McClain
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D10), 2005
A multiparameter aerosol classification method and its application to retrievals from spaceborne polarimetry
PB Russell, M Kacenelenbogen, JM Livingston, OP Hasekamp, SP Burton, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (16), 9838-9863, 2014
Analysis of fine-mode aerosol retrieval capabilities by different passive remote sensing instrument designs
K Knobelspiesse, B Cairns, M Mishchenko, J Chowdhary, K Tsigaridis, ...
Optics express 20 (19), 21457-21484, 2012
Going beyond standard ocean color observations: lidar and polarimetry
C Jamet, A Ibrahim, Z Ahmad, F Angelini, M Babin, MJ Behrenfeld, E Boss, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 251, 2019
Ocean Optics Protocols For Satellite Ocean Color Sensor Validation, Revision 4. Volume IV: Inherent Optical Properties: Instruments, Characterizations, Field Measurements and …
S Pegau, JRV Zaneveld, GB Mitchell, JL Mueller, M Kahru, J Wieland, ...
Goddard Space Flight Space Center., 2003
Atmospheric correction for hyperspectral ocean color retrieval with application to the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO)
A Ibrahim, B Franz, Z Ahmad, R Healy, K Knobelspiesse, BC Gao, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 60-75, 2018
Sensitivity of multiangle, multispectral polarimetric remote sensing over open oceans to water-leaving radiance: Analyses of RSP data acquired during the MILAGRO campaign
J Chowdhary, B Cairns, F Waquet, K Knobelspiesse, M Ottaviani, ...
Remote Sensing of environment 118, 284-308, 2012
Simultaneous retrieval of aerosol and cloud properties during the MILAGRO field campaign
K Knobelspiesse, B Cairns, J Redemann, RW Bergstrom, A Stohl
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (13), 6245-6263, 2011
Evaluation of aerosol properties over ocean from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) during ACE‐Asia
DA Chu, LA Remer, YJ Kaufman, B Schmid, J Redemann, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 110 (D7), 2005
Information content and sensitivity of the 3β + 2α lidar measurement system for aerosol microphysical retrievals
SP Burton, E Chemyakin, X Liu, K Knobelspiesse, S Stamnes, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 9 (11), 5555-5574, 2016
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