Carl Thodesen
Effect of crumb rubber characteristics on crumb rubber modified (CRM) binder viscosity
C Thodesen, K Shatanawi, S Amirkhanian
Construction and Building Materials 23 (1), 295-303, 2009
Modeling viscosity behavior of crumb rubber modified binders
C Thodesen, F Xiao, SN Amirkhanian
Construction and Building Materials 23 (9), 3053-3062, 2009
Improved resistance of long-term aged warm-mix asphalt to moisture damage containing moist aggregates
F Xiao, VS Punith, SN Amirkhanian, C Thodesen
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (7), 913-922, 2013
Effects of water activation of crumb rubber on the properties of crumb rubber-modified binders
K Shatanawi, S Biro, C Thodesen, S Amirkhanian
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 10 (4), 289-297, 2009
Development of an empirical model for determining G*/sin δ in crumb rubber modified binders
C Thodesen, K Shatanawi, S Amirkhanian, W Bridges
Construction and Building Materials 23 (5), 1922-1927, 2009
Effects of crumb rubber variability on failure temperature of crumb rubber modified binders
KM Shatanawi, CC Thodesen, SN Amirkhanian
Road Materials and Pavement Design 9 (2), 291-309, 2008
Influence of compaction temperature on rubberized asphalt mixes and binders
SJ Lee, SN Amirkhanian, K Shatanawi, C Thodesen
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 35 (9), 908-917, 2008
Review of asphalt pavement evaluation methods and current applications in Norway
CC Thodesen, BO Lerfald, I Hof
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 7 (4), 246-252, 2012
Evaluation of current modified asphalt binders using the multiple stress creep recovery test
C Thodesen, S Biro, J Kay
Proceedings of AR2009 Conference, 2009
Development of prediction models of high temperature crumb rubber modified binders
CC Thodesen
Clemson University, 2008
Effect of compaction temperature on rubberized asphalt mixes
SJ Lee, SN Amirkhanian, C Thodesen, K Shatanawi
Proceedings of the asphalt rubber 3, 583-97, 2006
Laboratory testing methods for evaluating the moisture damage on the aggregate-asphalt system
S Anastasio, I Hoff, CC Thodesen, HU Bahia
8th RILEM International Symposium on Testing and Characterization of …, 2016
Prediction of high-temperature asphalt binder properties based on Brookfield viscometer values
C Thodesen, B Putman, S Amirkhanian, W Bridges
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 12 (5), 475-483, 2011
Evaluation of statistical validity of some asphalt binder grade systems
YS Doh, SN Amirkhanian, C Thodesen, W Bridges, KW Kim
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 38 (6), 667-673, 2010
Development of an empirical model for predicting crumb rubber modified binder viscous properties
CC Thodesen, SN Amirkhanian, W Bridges
Road materials and pavement design 9 (4), 731-743, 2008
Effects of crumb rubber properties on CRM binder performance
C Thodesen, BJ Putman, K Shatanawi, S Amirkhanian
Transport Research Arena Europe, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2008
Influence of sodium chloride and potassium formate as deicing agents on asphalt mixture durability
S Anastasio, I Hoff, C Thodesen
Bitum, CRC Press, Thessaloniki, Greece, Mix. Pavements VI, 2015
Effects of fillers on the rheological/mechanical performance of mastics/asphalt mixes
PK Dehdezi, C Thodesen, CC Encinas, M Mengede
Proceedings of the international conferences on the bearing capacity of …, 2013
Polimerekkel módosított bitumenek reológiai összehasonlítása ismételt kúszás-relaxáció vizsgálattal
S Bíró, C Thodesen, R Perlaki
Útügyi Lapok 1 (1), 60-71, 2012
Utilization of SolidWaste Materials in Highway Construction
S Amirkhanian, C Thodesen, K Shatanawi
Environmental Management, Sustainable Development and Human Health, 441-456, 2008
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