Sorption− desorption of imidacloprid and its metabolites in soils L Cox, WC Koskinen, PY Yen Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 (4), 1468-1472, 1997 | 268 | 1997 |
Influence of biochar amendments on the sorption–desorption of aminocyclopyrachlor, bentazone and pyraclostrobin pesticides to an agricultural soil A Cabrera, L Cox, K Spokas, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo, WC Koskinen Science of the total environment 470, 438-443, 2014 | 197 | 2014 |
Comparative sorption and leaching study of the herbicides fluometuron and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in a soil amended with biochars and other sorbents A Cabrera, L Cox, KA Spokas, R Celis, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo, ... Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (23), 12550-12560, 2011 | 176 | 2011 |
Effect of organic amendments on herbicide sorption as related to the nature of the dissolved organic matter L Cox, R Celis, MC Hermosin, J Cornejo, A Zsolnay, K Zeller Environmental science & technology 34 (21), 4600-4605, 2000 | 174 | 2000 |
Porosity and herbicide leaching in soils amended with olive-mill wastewater L Cox, R Celis, MC Hermosin, A Becker, J Cornejo Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 65 (2), 151-161, 1997 | 173 | 1997 |
Sorption of imidacloprid on soil clay mineral and organic components L Cox, WC Koskinen, R Celis, MC Hermosin, J Cornejo, PY Yen Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (4), 911-915, 1998 | 162 | 1998 |
Sorption of 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid by model particles simulating naturally occurring soil colloids R Celis, MC HermosÍn, LÍ Cox, J Cornejo Environmental science & technology 33 (8), 1200-1206, 1999 | 144 | 1999 |
Influence of soil biochar aging on sorption of the herbicides MCPA, nicosulfuron, terbuthylazine, indaziflam, and fluoroethyldiaminotriazine C Trigo, KA Spokas, L Cox, WC Koskinen Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62 (45), 10855-10860, 2014 | 134 | 2014 |
Effect of exogenous carbon on movement of simazine and 2, 4‐D in soils L Cox, A Cecchi, R Celis, MC Hermosín, WC Koskinen, J Cornejo Soil science society of America journal 65 (6), 1688-1695, 2001 | 131 | 2001 |
Changes in sorption of imidacloprid with incubation time L Cox, WC Koskinen, PY Yen Soil Science Society of America Journal 62 (2), 342-347, 1998 | 115 | 1998 |
Dissolved organic carbon interactions with sorption and leaching of diuron in organic‐amended soils L Cox, P Velarde, A Cabrera, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo European journal of soil science 58 (3), 714-721, 2007 | 107 | 2007 |
Evidence for the accelerated degradation of isoproturon in soils L Cox, A Walker, SJ Welch Pesticide Science 48 (3), 253-260, 1996 | 102 | 1996 |
Sorption of two polar herbicides in soils and soil clays suspensions L Cox, MC Hermosin, R Celis, J Cornejo Water Research 31 (6), 1309-1316, 1997 | 99 | 1997 |
Fate of diuron and terbuthylazine in soils amended with two-phase olive oil mill waste A Cabrera, L Cox, P Velarde, WC Koskinen, J Cornejo Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 55 (12), 4828-4834, 2007 | 95 | 2007 |
Influence of soil properties on sorption‐desorption of imidacloprid L Cox, WC Koskinen, PY Yen Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part B 33 (2), 123-134, 1998 | 89 | 1998 |
Natural soil colloids to retard simazine and 2, 4-D leaching in soil L Cox, R Celis, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 48 (1), 93-99, 2000 | 86 | 2000 |
Adsorption–desorption of metalaxyl as affecting dissipation and leaching in soils: role of mineral and organic components MC Fernandes, L Cox, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo Pest management science 59 (5), 545-552, 2003 | 83 | 2003 |
Organic amendments affecting sorption, leaching and dissipation of fungicides in soils MC Fernandes, L Cox, MC Hermosín, J Cornejo Pest Management Science: formerly Pesticide Science 62 (12), 1207-1215, 2006 | 82 | 2006 |
Changes in sorption/bioavailability of imidacloprid metabolites in soil with incubation time WC Koskinen, L Cox, P Yen Biology and Fertility of Soils 33, 546-550, 2001 | 78 | 2001 |
Biodegradation and mineralization of metolachlor and alachlor by Candida xestobii A Munoz, WC Koskinen, L Cox, MJ Sadowsky Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (2), 619-627, 2011 | 77 | 2011 |