Casey Reynolds
Casey Reynolds
Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University
在 ag.tamu.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Overexpression of ubiquitin‐like LpHUB1 gene confers drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass
M Patel, S Milla‐Lewis, W Zhang, K Templeton, WC Reynolds, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 13 (5), 689-699, 2015
‘DT-1’, a drought-tolerant triploid turf bermudagrass
BM Schwartz, WW Hanna, LL Baxter, PL Raymer, FC Waltz, ...
HortScience 53 (11), 1711-1714, 2018
Field and laboratory evaluation of bermudagrass germplasm for cold hardiness and freezing tolerance
JC Dunne, TD Tuong, DP Livingston, WC Reynolds, SR Milla-Lewis
Crop Science 59 (1), 392-399, 2019
Athletic field paint impacts light spectral quality and turfgrass photosynthesis
WC Reynolds, GL Miller, TW Rufty
Crop science 52 (5), 2375-2384, 2012
Field performance of mutant and somaclonal variation lines of St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze]
WC Reynolds, R Li, K de Silva, AH Bruneau, R Qu
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 11 (573,582), 2009
Effects of salinity on six bermudagrass turf cultivars
CH Peacock, DJ Lee, WC Reynolds, JP Gregg, RJ Cooper, AH Bruneau
I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports …, 2003
Identification of South African bermudagrass germplasm with shade tolerance
JC Dunne, WC Reynolds, GL Miller, C Arellano, RL Brandenburg, ...
HortScience 50 (10), 1419-1425, 2015
Combining ability for winter survival and turf quality traits in St. Augustinegrass
JA Kimball, TG Isleib, WC Reynolds, MC Zuleta, SR Milla-Lewis
HortScience 51 (7), 810-815, 2016
Overwintering, oviposition, and larval survival of hunting billbugs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and implications for adult damage in north carolina turfgrass
DS Reynolds, WC Reynolds, RL Brandenburg
Journal of economic entomology 109 (1), 240-248, 2016
Athletic field paint color differentially alters light spectral quality and bermudagrass photosynthesis
WC Reynolds, GL Miller, TW Rufty
Crop Science 53 (5), 2209-2217, 2013
Herbicide applications and incorporation methods affect dazomet efficacy on bermudagrass
MD Jeffries, TW Gannon, WC Reynolds, FH Yelverton, CA Silcox
HortTechnology 27 (1), 24-29, 2017
Sand‐capping depth and subsoil influences on ‘Tifway’bermudagrass response to irrigation frequency and drought
DW Dyer, BG Wherley, KJ McInnes, JC Thomas, R Hejl, WC Reynolds
Agronomy Journal 112 (5), 3491-3499, 2020
Identification of sources of resistance to gray leaf spot in Stenotaphrum germplasm
EM Carbajal, B Ma, MC Zuleta, WC Reynolds, C Arellano, LP Tredway, ...
Crop Science 61 (5), 3069-3079, 2021
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass-tall fescue mixtures in the Southeastern United States.
WC Reynolds, EL Butler, HC Wetzel, AH Bruneau, LP Tredway
Athletic field paint color impacts transpiration and canopy temperature in bermudagrass
WC Reynolds, GL Miller, DP Livingston III, TW Rufty
Crop Science 56 (4), 2016-2025, 2016
Method and system for reduction of irrigation runoff
BG Wherley, JL Alvarado, RH White, JC Thomas, MEN Junfeng, DE Tate, ...
US Patent 9,955,636, 2018
Monitoring Destructive Scarab Beetles1 in Texas Turfgrasses
WC Reynolds, DS Reynolds, RT Puckett, T Wade, MT Elmore
Southwestern Entomologist 41 (4), 921-932, 2016
Establishment rates and growth characteristics of six bermudagrass cultivars for use on athletic fields and golf course fairways
WC Reynolds
SSR Allelic Diversity of Bermudagrass (CYNODON SPP.) Cultivars Released from 1936 to 2016.
KA Moore, WC Reynolds, Y Wu, BM Schwartz, KE Kenworthy, ...
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017), 2017
GCSAA Golf Course Management バミューダグラスの防除: バスアミド処理が臭化メチルの代替剤となる: ノースカロライナとテキサスの研究者たちが, 臭化メチル剤に代わるバミューダグラス処理剤の効果につき試験を …
MD Jeffries, TW Gannon, FH Yelverton, WC Reynolds
Monthly golf management= 月刊ゴルフマネジメント 38 (419), 105-111, 2017
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