Overexpression of ubiquitin‐like LpHUB1 gene confers drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass M Patel, S Milla‐Lewis, W Zhang, K Templeton, WC Reynolds, ... Plant biotechnology journal 13 (5), 689-699, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
‘DT-1’, a drought-tolerant triploid turf bermudagrass BM Schwartz, WW Hanna, LL Baxter, PL Raymer, FC Waltz, ... HortScience 53 (11), 1711-1714, 2018 | 25 | 2018 |
Field and laboratory evaluation of bermudagrass germplasm for cold hardiness and freezing tolerance JC Dunne, TD Tuong, DP Livingston, WC Reynolds, SR Milla-Lewis Crop Science 59 (1), 392-399, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Athletic field paint impacts light spectral quality and turfgrass photosynthesis WC Reynolds, GL Miller, TW Rufty Crop science 52 (5), 2375-2384, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
Field performance of mutant and somaclonal variation lines of St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze] WC Reynolds, R Li, K de Silva, AH Bruneau, R Qu International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 11 (573,582), 2009 | 20 | 2009 |
Effects of salinity on six bermudagrass turf cultivars CH Peacock, DJ Lee, WC Reynolds, JP Gregg, RJ Cooper, AH Bruneau I International Conference on Turfgrass Management and Science for Sports …, 2003 | 16 | 2003 |
Identification of South African bermudagrass germplasm with shade tolerance JC Dunne, WC Reynolds, GL Miller, C Arellano, RL Brandenburg, ... HortScience 50 (10), 1419-1425, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Combining ability for winter survival and turf quality traits in St. Augustinegrass JA Kimball, TG Isleib, WC Reynolds, MC Zuleta, SR Milla-Lewis HortScience 51 (7), 810-815, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Overwintering, oviposition, and larval survival of hunting billbugs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and implications for adult damage in north carolina turfgrass DS Reynolds, WC Reynolds, RL Brandenburg Journal of economic entomology 109 (1), 240-248, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Athletic field paint color differentially alters light spectral quality and bermudagrass photosynthesis WC Reynolds, GL Miller, TW Rufty Crop Science 53 (5), 2209-2217, 2013 | 9 | 2013 |
Herbicide applications and incorporation methods affect dazomet efficacy on bermudagrass MD Jeffries, TW Gannon, WC Reynolds, FH Yelverton, CA Silcox HortTechnology 27 (1), 24-29, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Sand‐capping depth and subsoil influences on ‘Tifway’bermudagrass response to irrigation frequency and drought DW Dyer, BG Wherley, KJ McInnes, JC Thomas, R Hejl, WC Reynolds Agronomy Journal 112 (5), 3491-3499, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |
Identification of sources of resistance to gray leaf spot in Stenotaphrum germplasm EM Carbajal, B Ma, MC Zuleta, WC Reynolds, C Arellano, LP Tredway, ... Crop Science 61 (5), 3069-3079, 2021 | 5 | 2021 |
Performance of Kentucky bluegrass-tall fescue mixtures in the Southeastern United States. WC Reynolds, EL Butler, HC Wetzel, AH Bruneau, LP Tredway | 4 | 2005 |
Athletic field paint color impacts transpiration and canopy temperature in bermudagrass WC Reynolds, GL Miller, DP Livingston III, TW Rufty Crop Science 56 (4), 2016-2025, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Method and system for reduction of irrigation runoff BG Wherley, JL Alvarado, RH White, JC Thomas, MEN Junfeng, DE Tate, ... US Patent 9,955,636, 2018 | 2 | 2018 |
Monitoring Destructive Scarab Beetles1 in Texas Turfgrasses WC Reynolds, DS Reynolds, RT Puckett, T Wade, MT Elmore Southwestern Entomologist 41 (4), 921-932, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Establishment rates and growth characteristics of six bermudagrass cultivars for use on athletic fields and golf course fairways WC Reynolds | 1 | 2002 |
SSR Allelic Diversity of Bermudagrass (CYNODON SPP.) Cultivars Released from 1936 to 2016. KA Moore, WC Reynolds, Y Wu, BM Schwartz, KE Kenworthy, ... ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017), 2017 | | 2017 |
GCSAA Golf Course Management バミューダグラスの防除: バスアミド処理が臭化メチルの代替剤となる: ノースカロライナとテキサスの研究者たちが, 臭化メチル剤に代わるバミューダグラス処理剤の効果につき試験を … MD Jeffries, TW Gannon, FH Yelverton, WC Reynolds Monthly golf management= 月刊ゴルフマネジメント 38 (419), 105-111, 2017 | | 2017 |