Stephen Parente
Stephen Parente
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Variation in office-based quality: a claims-based profile of care provided to Medicare patients with diabetes
JP Weiner, ST Parente, DW Garnick, J Fowles, AG Lawthers, RH Palmer
Jama 273 (19), 1503-1508, 1995
Measuring inappropriate medical diagnosis and treatment in survey data: The case of ADHD among school-age children
WN Evans, MS Morrill, ST Parente
Journal of health economics 29 (5), 657-673, 2010
Health information technology and patient safety: evidence from panel data
ST Parente, JS McCullough
Health Affairs 28 (2), 357-360, 2009
Priority setting in medical technology and medical practice assessment
CE Phelps, ST Parente
Medical care 28 (8), 703-723, 1990
Procedures take less time at ambulatory surgery centers, keeping costs down and ability to meet demand up
EL Munnich, ST Parente
Health Affairs 33 (5), 764-769, 2014
Evaluation of the effect of a consumer‐driven health plan on medical care expenditures and utilization
ST Parente, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Health Services Research 39 (4p2), 1189-1210, 2004
Employee Choice of Consumer‐Driven Health Insurance in a Multiplan, Multiproduct Setting
ST Parente, R Feldman, JB Christianson
Health Services Research 39 (4p2), 1091-1112, 2004
Health information technology and patient outcomes: the role of information and labor coordination
JS McCullough, ST Parente, R Town
The RAND Journal of Economics 47 (1), 207-236, 2016
Scope-of-practice laws for nurse practitioners limit cost savings that can be achieved in retail clinics
J Spetz, ST Parente, RJ Town, D Bazarko
Health Affairs 32 (11), 1977-1984, 2013
Beyond The Hype: A Taxonomy Of E-Health Business Models: How to build a health data infrastructure that can deliver both a public and a private good.
ST Parente
Health Affairs 19 (6), 89-102, 2000
Defined-contribution health insurance products: Development and prospects
JB Christianson, ST Parente, R Taylor
Health Affairs 21 (1), 49-64, 2002
Health information technology and patient outcomes: The role of organizational and informational complementarities
JS McCullough, ST Parente, R Town
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Valuing hospital investment in information technology: does governance make a difference?
ST Parente, RL Van Horn
Health care financing review 28 (2), 31, 2006
The role of consumer knowledge of insurance benefits in the demand for preventive health care among the elderly
ST Parente, DS Salkever, J DaVanzo
Health Economics 14 (1), 25-38, 2005
Healthcare claims fraud, waste and abuse detection system using non-parametric statistics and probability based scores
RJ Freese, AP Jost, BK Schulte, WA Klindworth, ST Parente
US Patent App. 15/216,133, 2017
Identifying controlled substance patterns of utilization requiring evaluation using administrative claims data
LA Schloff, TS Rector, R Seifeldin, JD Haddox
The American journal of managed care 10, 783-790, 2004
Consumer-directed health plans: new evidence on spending and utilization
R Feldman, ST Parente, JB Christianson
INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing …, 2007
Focus on quality: Profiling physicians' practice patterns
DW Garnick, J Fowles, AG Lawthers, JP Weiner, ST Parente, RH Palmer
The Journal of ambulatory care management 17 (3), 44-75, 1994
Effects of a consumer driven health plan on pharmaceutical spending and utilization
ST Parente, R Feldman, S Chen
Health Services Research 43 (5p1), 1542-1556, 2008
Does primary care diabetes management provided to Medicare patients differ between primary care physicians and nurse practitioners?
MN Lutfiyya, L Tomai, B Frogner, F Cerra, D Zismer, S Parente
Journal of advanced nursing 73 (1), 240-252, 2017
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