Maria I. Laranjeiro
Maria I. Laranjeiro
PhD student, University of Coimbra, MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre
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Accumulation of chemical elements and occurrence of microplastics in small pelagic fish from a neritic environment
JM da Silva, LMF Alves, MI Laranjeiro, F Bessa, AV Silva, AC Norte, ...
Environmental pollution 292, 118451, 2022
Mercury levels in commercial mid-trophic level fishes along the Portuguese coast–Relationships with trophic niche and oxidative damage
JM da Silva, LMF Alves, MI Laranjeiro, A Silva, MM Angelico, AC Norte, ...
Ecological Indicators 116, 106500, 2020
Assessment of environmental health based on a complementary approach using metal quantification, oxidative stress and trophic ecology of two gull species (Larus michahellis …
MI Laranjeiro, LMF Alves, JM Silva, JG Calado, AC Norte, VH Paiva, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 159, 111439, 2020
Drivers of niche partitioning in a community of mid-trophic level epipelagic species in the North Atlantic
FR Ceia, Y Cherel, AV Silva, S Garrido, MM Angélico, JM Da Silva, ...
Hydrobiologia 850 (7), 1583-1599, 2023
Seabirds as indicators of metal and plastic pollution
CS Lopes, MI Laranjeiro, JL Lavers, A Finger, J Provencher
Volume 1: Seabird Biodiversity and Human Activities, 169-188, 2022
Year-round element quantification of a wide-ranging seabird and their relationships with oxidative stress, trophic ecology, and foraging patterns
MI Laranjeiro, LMF Alves, JM da Silva, JM Pereira, AC Norte, VH Paiva, ...
Environmental Pollution 284, 117502, 2021
Variation among species and populations in bill shape and size in three planktivorous petrels
MI Laranjeiro, M Farré, RA Phillips, P Quillfeldt, F Bonadonna, C Gémard, ...
Marine Biology 169 (2), 24, 2022
Assessing the impacts of trace element contamination on the physiology and health of seabirds breeding along the western and southern coasts of Portugal
I Dos Santos, VH Paiva, AC Norte, C Churlaud, FR Ceia, JP de Faria, ...
Environmental Pollution 358, 124528, 2024
As cagarras como bioindicadores de poluição química no Oceano Atlântico Norte e Mar Mediterrâneo
MI Laranjeiro, T Simões, I Santos, JM Pereira, VH Paiva, MFL Lemos, ...
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, 2023
O uso de aves marinhas pelágicas e costeiras para comparar níveis de contaminação no Atlântico Norte e Mar Mediterrâneo
MI Laranjeiro, J Navarro, I Santos, LR Cerveira, JM Pereira, A Bertolero, ...
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, 2023
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