Bin-Yan Hsu
Bin-Yan Hsu
Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Turku
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Revisiting mechanisms and functions of prenatal hormone-mediated maternal effects using avian species as a model
TGG Groothuis, BY Hsu, N Kumar, B Tschirren
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 (1770), 20180115, 2019
Endocrinology of thermoregulation in birds in a changing climate
S Ruuskanen, BY Hsu, A Nord
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 519, 111088, 2021
Maternal thyroid hormones: an unexplored mechanism underlying maternal effects in an ecological framework
S Ruuskanen, BY Hsu
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 91 (3), 904-916, 2018
Plastic but repeatable: rapid adjustments of mitochondrial function and density during reproduction in a wild bird species
A Stier, P Bize, BY Hsu, S Ruuskanen
Biology Letters 15 (11), 20190536, 2019
Maternal adjustment or constraint: differential effects of food availability on maternal deposition of macro‐nutrients, steroids and thyroid hormones in rock pigeon eggs
BY Hsu, C Dijkstra, VM Darras, B de Vries, TGG Groothuis
Ecology and Evolution 6 (2), 397-411, 2016
A new method for measuring thyroid hormones using nano-LC-MS/MS
S Ruuskanen, BY Hsu, A Heinonen, M Vainio, VM Darras, T Sarraude, ...
Journal of Chromatography B 1093, 24-30, 2018
Maternal thyroid hormones enhance hatching success but decrease nestling body mass in the rock pigeon (Columba livia)
BY Hsu, C Dijkstra, VM Darras, B de Vries, TGG Groothuis
General and Comparative Endocrinology 240, 174-181, 2017
Transient growth‐enhancing effects of elevated maternal thyroid hormones at no apparent oxidative cost during early postnatal period
BY Hsu, B Doligez, L Gustafsson, S Ruuskanen
Journal of Avian Biology 50 (1), 2019
Born to be young? Prenatal thyroid hormones increase early-life telomere length in wild collared flycatchers
A Stier, BY Hsu, C Marciau, B Doligez, L Gustafsson, P Bize, ...
Biology Letters 16 (11), 20200364, 2020
Prenatal transfer of gut bacteria in rock pigeon
MW Dietz, JF Salles, BY Hsu, C Dijkstra, TGG Groothuis, M van der Velde, ...
Microorganisms 8 (1), 61, 2019
No escape from mother's will: effects of maternal testosterone on offspring reproductive behaviour far into adulthood
BY Hsu, C Dijkstra, TGG Groothuis
Animal Behaviour 117, 135-144, 2016
Explaining discrepancies in the study of maternal effects: the role of context and embryo
TGG Groothuis, N Kumar, BY Hsu
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 36, 185-192, 2020
Testing the short-and long-term effects of elevated prenatal exposure to different forms of thyroid hormones
T Sarraude, BY Hsu, T Groothuis, S Ruuskanen
PeerJ 8, e10175, 2020
Transgenerational endocrine disruption: Does elemental pollution affect egg or nestling thyroid hormone levels in a wild songbird?
S Ruuskanen, S Espín, P Sánchez-Virosta, T Sarraude, BY Hsu, ...
Environmental pollution 247, 725-735, 2019
Organizing effects of adverse early‐life condition on body mass, compensatory growth and reproduction: experimental studies in rock pigeons
BY Hsu, C Dijkstra, TGG Groothuis
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (8), 1166-1176, 2017
Manipulation of prenatal thyroid hormones does not affect growth or physiology in nestling pied flycatchers
T Sarraude, BY Hsu, TGG Groothuis, S Ruuskanen
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 93 (4), 255-266, 2020
Between- and Within-Individual Variation of Maternal Thyroid Hormone Deposition in Wild Great Tits (Parus major)
BY Hsu, I Verhagen, P Gienapp, VM Darras, ME Visser, S Ruuskanen
The American Naturalist 194 (4), E96-E108, 2019
Testing for context-dependent effects of prenatal thyroid hormones on offspring survival and physiology: an experimental temperature manipulation
BY Hsu, T Sarraude, N Cossin-Sevrin, M Crombecque, A Stier, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 14563, 2020
Maternally transferred thyroid hormones and life‐history variation in birds
BY Hsu, VM Pakanen, W Boner, B Doligez, T Eeva, TGG Groothuis, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (7), 1489-1506, 2022
Effect of prenatal glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones on developmental plasticity of mitochondrial aerobic metabolism, growth and survival: an experimental test in wild great …
N Cossin-Sevrin, BY Hsu, C Marciau, VA Viblanc, S Ruuskanen, A Stier
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (9), jeb243414, 2022
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