受强制性开放获取政策约束的文章 - Andrew McCrabb了解详情
无法在其他位置公开访问的文章:2 篇
Optimizing vertex pressure dynamic graph partitioning in many-core systems
A McCrabb, V Bertacco
IEEE Transactions on Computers 70 (6), 936-949, 2021
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Defense
ACRE: Accelerating Random Forests for Explainability
A McCrabb, A Ahmed, V Bertacco
Proceedings of the 56th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on …, 2023
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Defense
可在其他位置公开访问的文章:2 篇
DREDGE: Dynamic Repartitioning during Dynamic Graph Execution.
A McCrabb, E Winsor, V Bertacco
DAC, 28:1-28:6, 2019
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Defense
DyGraph: a dynamic graph generator and benchmark suite
A McCrabb, H Nigatu, A Getachew, V Bertacco
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMOD Joint International Workshop on Graph Data …, 2022
强制性开放获取政策: US Department of Defense