The failure of the mangrove conservation plan in Indonesia: Weak research and an ignorance of grassroots politics B Dharmawan, M Böcher, M Krott Ocean & Coastal Management 130, 250-259, 2016 | 53 | 2016 |
Development of production creativity among craftsmen by identifying techniques for characterizing coconut waste D Dumasari, D Wayan, I Achmad, D Budi, S Imam ARTIKEL JURNAL, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Generator Magnet Permanen Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Putaran Rendah H Prasetijo, R Ropiudin, B Dharmawan Dinamika Rekayasa 8 (2), 70-77, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Endangered mangroves in Segara Anakan, Indonesia: Effective and failed problem-solving policy advice B Dharmawan, M Böcher, M Krott Environmental management 60, 409-421, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
Failure of science-based win-win solution in fishery management: Learnings from Segara Anakan waters, Central Java, Indonesia B Dharmawan, M Böcher, M Krott Ocean & Coastal Management 141, 82-89, 2017 | 21* | 2017 |
Empowerment of subsistence craftsmen through the adoption of environmentally friendly cocodust production technology D Dumasari, D Wayan, I Ismangil, D Budi, S Imam ARTIKEL JURNAL, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
A pro-conservation adaptation power model for cococraft craftsmen using coconut waste in Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia. D Dumasari, W Darmawan, A Iqbal, B Dharmawan, I Santosa International journal of conservation science 11 (1), 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Analisis Kesediaan Membayar (Willingness to Pay) Pengunjung dalam Upaya Pengembangan Agrowisata “Sweetberry” di Kabupaten Cianjur TA Pertiwi, D Noechdijati, B Dharmawan Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis 6 (2), 500-518, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Daya saing ekspor minyak kelapa (crude coconut oil) Indonesia di pasar internasional AD Pangestu, B Dharmawan, R Satriani Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian Dan Agribisnis 6 (1), 51-61, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Assessing the emerging agribusiness entrepreneurs by using brainwave technology B Dharmawan, A Rosyad, AN Mandamdari, L Zulkifli, LM Silitonga IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 653 (1), 012144, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Sociocultural and economic conditions as causes of the weakened social cohesion in landless peasants D Dumasari, B Dharmawan, I Santosa, W Darmawan, P Utami, DD Aisyah Journal of Arts and Humanities 8 (6), 11-18, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
Sensitivity-based adaptive management in impowering quality cococraft craftsmen B Dharmawan, I Santosa International Journal of Entrepreneurship 25 (5), 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Ragam skema sertifikasi hutan global dan opsi transformasinya di Indonesia A Wibowo, MAK Sahide, S Pratiwi, B Dharmawan, L Giessen RISALAH KEBIJAKAN PERTANIAN DAN LINGKUNGAN Rumusan Kajian Strategis Bidang …, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Asymmetric power relations in multistakeholder initiatives: Insights from the government-instituted Indonesian National Forestry Council T Muttaqin, E Soraya, B Dharmawan, D Laraswati, A Maryudi Trees, Forests and People 12, 100406, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Pendampingan penerapan Good Manufacturing Practise (GMP) pada UMKM Keripik Tempe 27, Gentawangi, Jatilawang, Banyumas N Wijayanti, TB Pramono, B Dharmawan Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional 3 (2), 88-94, 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Exploring the Conventional Ijon Market and its Impact to Strengthen Vegetable Farmers Bargaining Power in Central Java, Indonesia. D Dumasari, B DHARMAWAN, I SANTOSA, W DARMAWAN, DD AISYAH Journal of Applied Economic Sciences 15 (2), 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Strategic ways to develop new variety of upland rice: case study of “Inpago Unsoed 1” in Central Java, Indonesia B Dharmawan, AR Karim, U Nurdiani IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 250 (1), 012069, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Strategi Penghidupan Berkelanjutan Masyarakat Berbasis Aset dalam Budidaya Serai Wangi di Desa Kedungrandu, Kecamatan Patikraja, Kabupaten Banyumas MA Hidayat, B Dharmawan, DD Putri AGRITEXTS: Journal of Agricultural Extension 46 (1), 19-26, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Implementation of Role Playing’s Learning Model on the Agribusiness’ Entrepreneurship Course Using Brainwave Technology B Dharmawan, A Rosyad, L Zulkifli, LM Silitonga 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Socio-economics …, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Empowering Students to Thrive: The Role of CT and Self-Efficacy in Building Academic Resilience TT Wu, LM Silitonga, B Dharmawan, AT Murti Journal of Educational Computing Research 62 (3), 816-845, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |