Upul Senanayake
Upul Senanayake
Postgraduate Researcher, University of New South Wales
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The pagerank-index: Going beyond citation counts in quantifying scientific impact of researchers
U Senanayake, M Piraveenan, A Zomaya
PloS one 10 (8), e0134794, 2015
Node assortativity in complex networks: An alternative approach
G Thedchanamoorthy, M Piraveenan, D Kasthuriratna, U Senanayake
Procedia Computer Science 29, 2449-2461, 2014
Deep fusion pipeline for mild cognitive impairment diagnosis
U Senanayake, A Sowmya, L Dawes
2018 IEEE 15th international symposium on biomedical imaging (isbi 2018 …, 2018
Authorship detection of SMS messages using unigrams
R Ragel, P Herath, U Senanayake
Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), 2013 8th IEEE International …, 2013
Influence of vaccination strategies and topology on the herd immunity of complex networks
G Thedchanamoorthy, M Piraveenan, S Uddin, U Senanayake
Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, 1-16, 2014
Machine learning based search space optimisation for drug discovery
U Senanayake, R Prabuddha, R Ragel
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and …, 2013
Optimisation of strategy placements for public good in complex networks
D Kasthurirathna, H Nguyen, M Piraveenan, S Uddin, U Senanayake
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Social Computing, 1-8, 2014
Information transfer in swarms with leaders
Y Sun, LF Rossi, CC Shen, J Miller, XR Wang, JT Lizier, M Prokopenko, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.0007, 2014
The p-index: Ranking Scientists Using Network Dynamics
AYZ U. Senanayake, M. Piraveenan
International Conference on Computational Science 29, 465-477, 2014
Assortativity and mixing patterns in international supply chain networks
M Piraveenan, U Senanayake, P Matous, Y Todo
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (2), 2019
Deep learning approach for classification of mild cognitive impairment subtypes
U Senanayake, A Sowmya, L Dawes, NA Kochan, W Wen, P Sachdev
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2 …, 2017
Deep learning for volumetric segmentation in spatio-temporal data: application to segmentation of prostate in DCE-MRI
J Kang, G Samarasinghe, U Senanayake, S Conjeti, A Sowmya
2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019), 61-65, 2019
The performance of page rank algorithm under degree preserving perturbations
U Senanayake, P Szot, M Piraveenan, D Kasthurirathna
2014 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), 24-29, 2014
Classification of mild cognitive impairment subtypes using neuropsychological data
U Senanayake, A Sowmya, L Dawes, NA Kochan, W Wen, P Sachdev
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods 2 …, 2016
A scalable product quality verifier framework for a outsourcing supplier
D Jayathilake, H Yaggahavita, U Senanayake, C Elvitigala, D Sriyananda
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Applications and Industrial …, 2011
Diagnosis of Cognitive Impairment using Multiple Data Modalities.
U Senanayake
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2022
Ranking scientists from the field of quantum game theory using p-index
U Senanayake, M Piraveenan, A Zomaya
2014 IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), 9-16, 2014
A memory-efficient heuristic for maximum matching in scale-free networks
U Senanayake, M Piraveenan
2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks …, 2016
The pagerank-index: Going beyond citation counts in quantifying scientific impact of researchers Supplementary material
U Senanayake, M Piraveenan, A Zomaya
The p-index: Theory and Applications
UCB Senanayake
University of Sydney., 2014
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