GABAergic cell subtypes and their synaptic connections in rat frontal cortex. Y Kawaguchi, Y Kubota Cerebral cortex (New York, NY: 1991) 7 (6), 476-486, 1997 | 1664 | 1997 |
Striatal interneurones: chemical, physiological and morphological characterization Y Kawaguchi, CJ Wilson, SJ Augood, PC Emson Trends in neurosciences 18 (12), 527-535, 1995 | 1487 | 1995 |
The origins of two-state spontaneous membrane potential fluctuations of neostriatal spiny neurons CJ Wilson, Y Kawaguchi Journal of neuroscience 16 (7), 2397-2410, 1996 | 955 | 1996 |
Physiological, morphological, and histochemical characterization of three classes of interneurons in rat neostriatum Y Kawaguchi Journal of Neuroscience 13 (11), 4908-4923, 1993 | 947 | 1993 |
New insights into the classification and nomenclature of cortical GABAergic interneurons J DeFelipe, PL López-Cruz, R Benavides-Piccione, C Bielza, P Larrañaga, ... Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14 (3), 202-216, 2013 | 926 | 2013 |
Projection subtypes of rat neostriatal matrix cells revealed by intracellular injection of biocytin Y Kawaguchi, CJ Wilson, PC Emson Journal of Neuroscience 10 (10), 3421-3438, 1990 | 705 | 1990 |
Correlation of physiological subgroupings of nonpyramidal cells with parvalbumin-and calbindinD28k-immunoreactive neurons in layer V of rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi, Y Kubota Journal of neurophysiology 70 (1), 387-396, 1993 | 615 | 1993 |
Physiological subgroups of nonpyramidal cells with specific morphological characteristics in layer II/III of rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi Journal of Neuroscience 15 (4), 2638-2655, 1995 | 599 | 1995 |
Fast spiking cells in rat hippocampus (CA1 region) contain the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin Y Kawaguchi, H Katsumaru, T Kosaka, CW Heizmann, K Hama Brain research 416 (2), 369-374, 1987 | 570 | 1987 |
Parvalbumin, somatostatin and cholecystokinin as chemical markers for specific GABAergic interneuron types in the rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi, S Kondo Journal of neurocytology 31 (3), 277-287, 2002 | 486 | 2002 |
Physiological and morphological identification of somatostatin-or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells among GABAergic cell subtypes in rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi, Y Kubota Journal of Neuroscience 16 (8), 2701-2715, 1996 | 436 | 1996 |
Intracellular recording of identified neostriatal patch and matrix spiny cells in a slice preparation preserving cortical inputs Y Kawaguchi, CJ Wilson, PC Emson Journal of neurophysiology 62 (5), 1052-1068, 1989 | 420 | 1989 |
Groupings of nonpyramidal and pyramidal cells with specific physiological and morphological characteristics in rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi Journal of neurophysiology 69 (2), 416-431, 1993 | 400 | 1993 |
Neostriatal cell subtypes and their functional roles Y Kawaguchi Neuroscience research 27 (1), 1-8, 1997 | 361 | 1997 |
Neurochemical features and synaptic connections of large physiologically-identified GABAergic cells in the rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi, Y Kubota Neuroscience 85 (3), 677-701, 1998 | 355 | 1998 |
Recurrent connection patterns of corticostriatal pyramidal cells in frontal cortex M Morishima, Y Kawaguchi Journal of Neuroscience 26 (16), 4394-4405, 2006 | 316 | 2006 |
Selective cholinergic modulation of cortical GABAergic cell subtypes Y Kawaguchi Journal of neurophysiology 78 (3), 1743-1747, 1997 | 279 | 1997 |
Noradrenergic excitation and inhibition of GABAergic cell types in rat frontal cortex Y Kawaguchi, T Shindou Journal of Neuroscience 18 (17), 6963-6976, 1998 | 277 | 1998 |
Quantitative chemical composition of cortical GABAergic neurons revealed in transgenic venus-expressing rats M Uematsu, Y Hirai, F Karube, S Ebihara, M Kato, K Abe, K Obata, ... Cerebral cortex 18 (2), 315-330, 2008 | 264 | 2008 |
Selective coexpression of multiple chemical markers defines discrete populations of neocortical GABAergic neurons Y Kubota, N Shigematsu, F Karube, A Sekigawa, S Kato, N Yamaguchi, ... Cerebral cortex 21 (8), 1803-1817, 2011 | 258 | 2011 |