Judith Pizarro Andersen
Judith Pizarro Andersen
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The effects of message framing and ethnic targeting on mammography use among low-income women.
TR Schneider, P Salovey, AM Apanovitch, J Pizarro, D McCarthy, J Zullo, ...
Health Psychology 20 (4), 256, 2001
Disparities in adverse childhood experiences among sexual minority and heterosexual adults: Results from a multi-state probability-based sample
JP Andersen, J Blosnich
PloS one 8 (1), e54691, 2013
Mental-and physical-health effects of acute exposure to media images of the September 11, 2001, attacks and the Iraq War
RC Silver, EA Holman, JP Andersen, M Poulin, DN McIntosh, V Gil-Rivas
Psychological science 24 (9), 1623-1634, 2013
Terrorism, acute stress, and cardiovascular health: A 3-year national study following the September 11th attacks
EA Holman, RC Silver, M Poulin, J Andersen, V Gil-Rivas, DN McIntosh
Archives of general psychiatry 65 (1), 73-80, 2008
Physical and mental health costs of traumatic war experiences among Civil War veterans
J Pizarro, RC Silver, JA Prause
Archives of General Psychiatry 63 (2), 193-200, 2006
A training method to improve police use of force decision making: a randomized controlled trial
JP Andersen, H Gustafsberg
Sage Open 6 (2), 2158244016638708, 2016
The efficacy of art and writing therapy: Increasing positive mental health outcomes and participant retention after exposure to traumatic experience
J Pizarro
Art Therapy 21 (1), 5-12, 2004
A guide to utilizing police training as a tool to promote resilience and improve health outcomes among police officers.
K Papazoglou, JP Andersen
Traumatology: An International Journal 20 (2), 103, 2014
Matching health messages to information-processing styles: Need for cognition and mammography utilization
P Williams-Piehota, TR Schneider, J Pizarro, L Mowad, P Salovey
Health Communication 15 (4), 375-392, 2003
Need for Cognition Moderates Responses to Framed Smoking‐Cessation Messages1
WT Steward, TR Schneider, J Pizarro, P Salovey
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 33 (12), 2439-2464, 2003
The impact of PTSD, depression, and substance use disorders on disease burden and health care utilization among OEF/OIF veterans.
K Possemato, M Wade, J Andersen, P Ouimette
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 2 (3), 218, 2010
Message framing and pap test utilization among women attending a community health clinic
SE Rivers, P Salovey, DA Pizarro, J Pizarro, TR Schneider
Journal of Health Psychology 10 (1), 65-77, 2005
Applying resilience promotion training among special forces police officers
JP Andersen, K Papazoglou, M Koskelainen, M Nyman, H Gustafsberg, ...
SAGE open 5 (2), 2158244015590446, 2015
Matching health messages to monitor-blunter coping styles to motivate screening mammography.
P Williams-Piehota, J Pizarro, TR Schneider, L Mowad, P Salovey
Health Psychology 24 (1), 58, 2005
Ecological momentary assessment of maternal cortisol profiles over a multiple-day period predicts the length of human gestation
S Entringer, C Buss, J Andersen, A Chicz-DeMet, PD Wadhwa
Psychosomatic medicine 73 (6), 469-474, 2011
Association between posttraumatic stress disorder and primary care provider-diagnosed disease among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
J Andersen, M Wade, K Possemato, P Ouimette
Psychosomatic Medicine 72 (5), 498-504, 2010
Stress-activity mapping: physiological responses during general duty police encounters
S Baldwin, C Bennell, JP Andersen, T Semple, B Jenkins
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2216, 2019
Highly realistic scenario based training simulates the psychophysiology of real world use of force encounters: implications for improved police officer performance
JP Andersen, M Pitel, A Weerasinghe, K Papazoglou
Ubrica Global Journal System, 2016
Matching health messages to health locus of control beliefs for promoting mammography utilization
P Williams-Piehota, TR Schneider, J Pizarro, L Mowad, P Salovey
Psychology & Health 19 (4), 407-423, 2004
A step‐by‐step guide to using secondary data for psychological research
JP Andersen, JA Prause, RC Silver
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 5 (1), 56-75, 2011
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