Thanos (Athanasios) Manos
Thanos (Athanasios) Manos
Associate Professor, ETIS Laboratory, CNRS UMR 8051, Dep. of Mathematics, CY Cergy Paris University
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Regular and chaotic orbits in barred galaxies–I. Applying the SALI/GALI method to explore their distribution in several models
T Manos, E Athanassoula
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (arXiv:1102.1157) 415, 629-642, 2011
The Smaller (SALI) and the Generalized (GALI) Alignment Indices: Efficient Methods of Chaos Detection
C Skokos, T Manos
Chaos Detection and Predictability. Lecture Notes in Physics 915, 129-181, 2016
Probing the local dynamics of periodic orbits by the generalized alignment index (GALI) method
T Manos, C Skokos, C Antonopoulos
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (Arxiv:1103.0700) 22 (9), 1250218, 2012
Dynamical localization in chaotic systems: spectral statistics and localization measure in the kicked rotator as a paradigm for time-dependent and time-independent systems
T Manos, M Robnik
Physical Review E 87 (6), 062905, 2013
Survey on the role of accelerator modes for anomalous diffusion: The case of the standard map
T Manos, M Robnik
Physical Review E 89 (2), 022905, 2014
How stimulation frequency and intensity impact on the long-lasting effects of coordinated reset stimulation
T Manos, M Zeitler, PA Tass
PLoS computational biology 14 (5), e1006113, 2018
Studying the global dynamics of conservative dynamical systems using the SALI chaos detection method
T Manos, C Skokos, E Athanassoula, T Bountis
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems (Arxiv:nlin/0703037) 11 (2), 171-176, 2007
What can computational models contribute to neuroimaging data analytics?
OV Popovych, T Manos, F Hoffstaedter, SB Eickhoff
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 12, 68, 2019
Chaos and dynamical trends in barred galaxies: bridging the gap between N-body simulations and time-dependent analytical models
T Manos, REG Machado
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438 (3), 2201–2217, 2014
Application of the GALI method to localization dynamics in nonlinear systems
T Bountis, T Manos, H Christodoulidi
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 227 (1), 17-26, 2009
The intermediate level statistics in dynamically localized chaotic eigenstates
B Batistić, T Manos, M Robnik
Europhysics Letters 102 (5), 50008, 2013
Scaling with system size of the Lyapunov exponents for the Hamiltonian Mean Field model
T Manos, S Ruffo
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics (Arxiv:1006.5341) 40, 360–381, 2010
Interplay Between Chaotic and Regular Motion in a Time-Dependent Barred Galaxy Model
T Manos, T Bountis, C Skokos
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 254017, 2013
Inter-subject and inter-parcellation variability of resting-state whole-brain dynamical modeling
OV Popovych, K Jung, T Manos, S Diaz-Pier, F Hoffstaedter, J Schreiber, ...
NeuroImage 236, 118201, 2021
Complex statistics in Hamiltonian barred galaxy models
T Bountis, T Manos, C Antonopoulos
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 113, 63-80, 2012
Boxy orbital structures in rotating bar models
L Chaves-Velasquez, PA Patsis, I Puerari, C Skokos, T Manos
The Astrophysical Journal 850 (2), 145, 2017
Experimental perspectives for systems based on long-range interactions
R Bachelard, T Manos, P De Buyl, F Staniscia, FS Cataliotti, G De Ninno, ...
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (06), P06009, 2010
Chaotic motion and the evolution of morphological components in a time-dependent model of a barred galaxy within a dark matter halo
REG Machado, T Manos
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 (4), 3578-3591, 2016
Application of the Generalized Alignment Index (GALI) method to the dynamics of multi-dimensional symplectic maps
T Manos, C Skokos, T Bountis
Chaos, complexity and transport: theory and applications: proceedings of the …, 2008
Long-Term Desynchronization by Coordinated Reset Stimulation in a Neural Network Model With Synaptic and Structural Plasticity
T Manos, S Diaz-Pier, PA Tass
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 716556, 2021
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