Okacha Hasnaoui
Okacha Hasnaoui
Université Dr Tahar Moulay - Saida - Algérie
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Green corrosion inhibitor: inhibitive action of tannin extract of Chamaerops humilis plant for the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4
O Benali, H Benmehdi, O Hasnaoui, C Selles, R Salghi
J. Mater. Environ. Sci 4 (1), 127-138, 2013
Phytochemical investigation of leaves and fruits extracts of Chamaerops humilis L
H Benmehdi, O Hasnaoui, O Benali, F Salhi
Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 3 (2), 320-327, 2012
Ethno botanic study of Chamaerops humilis L. var. argentea Andre (Arecaceae) in Western Algeria
O Hasnaoui, M Bouazza, O Benali, M Thinon
Agricultural journal 6 (1), 1-6, 2011
Ecological characterization and evaluation of the floristic potential of the forest of Doui Thabet (Saida-Western Algeria) in the context of the restoration. Eco
AS Ahmed, N Yahia, H Okkacha
Env. Cons 26 (1), 266, 2020
Rehabilitation of the steppe Lygeum spartum in the region of Naama (western Algeria)
B Abdelkrim, B Hafidha, H Okkacha, M Khalladi, S Abdelkrim
Energy Procedia 36, 349-357, 2013
Contribution à l’étude des Chamaeropaies dans la région de Tlemcen, Aspects botanique et cartographiques
O Hasnaoui
Thèse doct. Univ. Tlemcen, Algérie, 2008
Contribution à l’étude de la thérophytisation des matorrals des versants sud des monts de Tlemcen (Algérie occidentale)
N Hachemi, O Hasnaoui, I Benmehdi, N Medjati, M Bouazza
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Ecología, 2012
Impact of ecological restoration techniques on the dynamics of degraded ecosystems of the mounts of Saida: Case of the forests of Doui Thabet (West Algeria)
AS Ahmed, N Yahia, H Okkacha, K Hadj
Acta scientifica naturalis 7 (2), 98-121, 2020
Partial structural characterization of pectin cell wall from Argania spinosa leaves
K Hachem, Y Benabdesslem, S Ghomari, O Hasnaoui, M Kaid-Harche
Heliyon 2 (2), 2016
Regional phytogeographic analysis of the flora of the Mounts of Saida (western Algeria): evaluation-restoration report
SA Aouadj, Y Nasrallah, O Hasnaoui
Biodiversity Journal 11 (1), 25-34, 2020
Contribution à l’étude de la Chamaeropaie de la région de Tlemcen: Aspects écologiques et cartographie
O Hasnaoui
Université Abou Bakr Belkaid, Tlemcen Algérie, 81-88, 2008
Impacts of anthropogenic pressure on the degradation of the forest of Doui Thabet (Saida, Western Algeria) in the context of the restoration
AS Ahmed, N Yahia, H Okkacha, K Hadj
Acta scientifica naturalis 7 (2), 88-97, 2020
Ethnobotanical Approach and Floristic Inventory of Medicinal Plants in the Doui Thabet Region (Saida-Western Algeria)
SA Aouadj, O Hasnaoui, Y Nasrallah
PhytoChem & BioSub Journal 14 (1), 92-104, 2020
Note on the orchids of mounts of Saida (Saida Western Algeria) in the context of the restoration
SA Aouadj, Y Nasrallah, O Hasnaoui
Ecology, Environment and Conservation 26 (2), 37-45, 2020
Indicateurs De dégradation des bio-ressources naturelles de l’Algérie occidentale: Cas de la steppe de la wilaya de saida
O Hasnaoui, M Bouazza
Algerian journal of arid environment 5 (1), 63-75, 2015
Ethnobotanical approaches and phytochemical analysis of Chamaerops humilis L. (Arecaceae) in the area of Tlemcen (western Algeria).
O Hasnaoui, O Benali, M Bouazza, H Benmehdi
The therophytes aromatic and medicinal plants of the southern slopes of the mountains of Tlemcen (western Algeria) between utility and degradation.
N Hachemi, O Hasnaoui, M Bouazza, I Benmehdi, N Medjati
Ethnobotanical investigation of Chamaerops humilis in the area of Beni Snous (Western of Algeria)
N Medjati, O Hasnaoui, B Babali, N Hachemi
Mediterranean Botany 40 (2), 177-184, 2019
Ethnobotanique du pistachier de l’atlas (Pistaciaatlantica) auprès la population de Béchar (Algérie occidentale)
A Benaradj, H Boucherit, M Bouazza, O Hasnaoui
Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology 2 (1), 139-146, 2015
Etude des groupements à Chamaerops humilis L. subsp. argentea dans la région de Tlemcen
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