Understanding self-report bias in organizational behavior research SI Donaldson, EJ Grant-Vallone Journal of business and Psychology 17, 245-260, 2002 | 1922 | 2002 |
Program theory-driven evaluation science: Strategies and applications SI Donaldson Routledge, 2007 | 680 | 2007 |
Effects of perceived discrimination on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and grievances EA Ensher, EJ Grant‐Vallone, SI Donaldson Human resource development quarterly 12 (1), 53-72, 2001 | 662 | 2001 |
Consequences of work-family conflict on employee well-being over time EJ Grant-Vallone, SI Donaldson Work & stress 15 (3), 214-226, 2001 | 622 | 2001 |
Positive organizational psychology, behavior, and scholarship: A review of the emerging literature and evidence base SI Donaldson, I Ko The journal of positive psychology 5 (3), 177-191, 2010 | 549 | 2010 |
Happiness, excellence, and optimal human functioning revisited: Examining the peer-reviewed literature linked to positive psychology SI Donaldson, M Dollwet, MA Rao The Journal of Positive Psychology 10 (3), 185-195, 2015 | 475 | 2015 |
Design and evaluation guided by the theory of planned behavior I Ajzen MM Mark, SI Donaldson, B Campbell - Social Psychology and Evaluation, 2011 | 444 | 2011 |
Longitudinal examination of mentoring relationships on organizational commitment and citizenship behavior SI Donaldson, EA Ensher, EJ Grant-Vallone Journal of Career Development 26 (4), 233-249, 2000 | 410 | 2000 |
Testing the generalizability of intervening mechanism theories: Understanding the effects of adolescent drug use prevention interventions SI Donaldson, JW Graham, WB Hansen Journal of behavioral medicine 17, 195-216, 1994 | 376 | 1994 |
Going global with social cognitive theory: From prospect to paydirt A Bandura SI Donaldson et al - Applied Psychology: New Frontiers and Rewarding Careers, 2006 | 359* | 2006 |
Analysis with missing data in prevention research. JW Graham, SM Hofer, SI Donaldson, DP MacKinnon, JL Schafer American Psychological Association, 1997 | 359 | 1997 |
What counts as credible evidence in applied research and evaluation practice? SI Donaldson, CA Christie, MM Mark Sage, 2009 | 339 | 2009 |
Roles for theory in contemporary evaluation practice: Developing practical knowledge SI Donaldson, MW Lipsey The handbook of evaluation: Policies, programs, and practices, 56-75, 2006 | 339 | 2006 |
Evaluating interventions with differential attrition: the importance of nonresponse mechanisms and use of follow-up data. JW Graham, SI Donaldson Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (1), 119, 1993 | 317 | 1993 |
Resistance-skills training and onset of alcohol use: Evidence for beneficial and potentially harmful effects in public schools and in private Catholic schools. SI Donaldson Addictive Behaviors: Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment, 215-238, 1997 | 262 | 1997 |
Resistance-skills training and onset of alcohol use: evidence for beneficial and potentially harmful effects in public schools and in private Catholic schools. SI Donaldson, JW Graham, AM Piccinin, WB Hansen Health Psychology 14, 291-300, 1995 | 262 | 1995 |
Strategies for managing evaluation anxiety: Toward a psychology of program evaluation SI Donaldson, LE Gooler, M Scriven American Journal of Evaluation 23 (3), 261-273, 2002 | 246 | 2002 |
National accounts of well-being E Diener, K Ryan SI Donaldson et al. - Applied Positive Psychology: Improving everyday life …, 2011 | 233 | 2011 |
Tailoring positive psychology interventions to treat depressed individuals NL Sin, MDD Porta, S Lyubomorsky SI Donaldson et al. - Applied Positive Psychology: Improving everyday life …, 2011 | 215 | 2011 |
The social and policy impact of social cognitive theory A Bandura MM Mark, SI Donaldson, B Campbell - Social Psychology and Evaluation, 2011 | 197 | 2011 |