Raising the stakes in the ultimatum game: Experimental evidence from Indonesia LA Cameron Economic Inquiry 37 (1), 47-59, 1999 | 953 | 1999 |
Risk-taking behavior in the wake of natural disasters L Cameron, M Shah Journal of human resources 50 (2), 484-515, 2015 | 856 | 2015 |
Little emperors: behavioral impacts of China's One-Child Policy L Cameron, N Erkal, L Gangadharan, X Meng Science 339 (6122), 953-957, 2013 | 506 | 2013 |
Gender, culture, and corruption: Insights from an experimental analysis V Alatas, L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan Southern Economic Journal 75 (3), 663-680, 2009 | 430 | 2009 |
Propensities to engage in and punish corrupt behavior: Experimental evidence from Australia, India, Indonesia and Singapore L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan Journal of public economics 93 (7-8), 843-851, 2009 | 422* | 2009 |
Cannabis, alcohol and cigarettes: substitutes or complements? L Cameron, J Williams Economic Record 77 (236), 19-34, 2001 | 248 | 2001 |
Trade liberalization and the wage skill premium: Evidence from Indonesia M Amiti, L Cameron Journal of International Economics 87 (2), 277-287, 2012 | 228 | 2012 |
The impact of minimum wages on employment in a low-income country: A quasi-natural experiment in Indonesia V Alatas, LA Cameron ILr review 61 (2), 201-223, 2008 | 222* | 2008 |
Economic geography and wages M Amiti, L Cameron The Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (1), 15-29, 2007 | 220 | 2007 |
Can a public scholarship program successfully reduce school drop-outs in a time of economic crisis? Evidence from Indonesia L Cameron Economics of Education review 28 (3), 308-317, 2009 | 211* | 2009 |
Subject pool effects in a corruption experiment: A comparison of Indonesian public servants and Indonesian students V Alatas, L Cameron, A Chaudhuri, N Erkal, L Gangadharan Experimental Economics 12, 113-132, 2009 | 202 | 2009 |
Education and labor market participation of women in Asia: Evidence from five countries LA Cameron, J Malcolm Dowling, C Worswick Economic Development and Cultural Change 49 (3), 459-477, 2001 | 182 | 2001 |
The importance of learning in the adoption of high‐yielding variety seeds LA Cameron American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81 (1), 83-94, 1999 | 170 | 1999 |
The double burden of malnutrition in SE Asia and the Pacific: priorities, policies and politics L Haddad, L Cameron, I Barnett Health policy and planning 30 (9), 1193-1206, 2015 | 165 | 2015 |
Do coresidency and financial transfers from the children reduce the need for elderly parents to works in developing countries? LA Cameron, D Cobb-Clark Journal of Population Economics 21, 1007-1033, 2008 | 158* | 2008 |
Impact evaluation of a large-scale rural sanitation project in Indonesia LA Cameron, M Shah, S Olivia World Bank policy research working paper, 2013 | 156 | 2013 |
Scaling up sanitation: evidence from an RCT in Indonesia L Cameron, S Olivia, M Shah Journal of development economics 138, 1-16, 2019 | 148 | 2019 |
How does health promotion work? Evidence from the dirty business of eliminating open defecation P Gertler, M Shah, ML Alzua, L Cameron, S Martinez, S Patil National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015 | 137 | 2015 |
The residency decision of elderly Indonesians: A nested logit analysis L Cameron Demography 37 (1), 17-27, 2000 | 132 | 2000 |
Can mistargeting destroy social capital and stimulate crime? Evidence from a cash transfer program in Indonesia L Cameron, M Shah Economic Development and Cultural Change 62 (2), 381-415, 2014 | 129* | 2014 |